We meet the 'friends', whoever they are

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Alyssa POV

We clambered out of the hole. Luna tugged on my foot, making my sock fall on the unconscious Amadora. "Whaddaya want, Llama Cabbage," I flibbered, kicking at her fingers. "Kidnapper," Luna mouthed. "YA WHAT," I screeched, now waving my legs like pendulums. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY COD NABBLERS?" Luna grumbled as a cold sensation made it's way into my veins. Then a happy curtain of blackness leaped over my eyeballs and I was ceremoniously knocked out.


I felt warmth come into contact with my skin. My closed eyes opened. My vision blurred and tiny black tadpoles swam before my eyes. "Funny amoebas," I snortled, batting at them. I felt ropes binding me to a hard surface - a chair? I tried to eat the ropes along with the chair.

A pair of piercing blue eyes met my line of sight. They bored into my soul as if they were knives. I tried to eat them.

"Phoenix," a voice announced.

"I know my last name, ya bum," I snapped.

The pair of blue eyes didn't even blink, obviously unimpressed. Step 2 in intimidation: screech at attackers, possibly stunning the offender, giving you a few seconds in time to leap up and smash their faces in with your Pokemon squeaky hammer you got last Halloween.

I screamed polite insults. "NAFF OFF, YA BUCKET OF ROTTEN MOSQUITO PEE."

The blue eyes kept glaring at me. Well dam.

"Can you buy me dinner?" I asked.

"No. I cannot. Also, the world is in danger and you must help us. Do you allow me to recruit you, Miss Phoenix?"

I opened my mouth. "I," I began. The nice lady who didn't give me food leaned in to hear my answer.

"You're a bummish old eyeball," I screeched. Then I bit through the rope I had been gnawing on for the last five minutes and ran for the door. "You are going to help," the kidnapper girl raced up to me, blocking my way with a large stick. I bit the stick and reached for the doorknob.

My kidnapper grabbed my shoulder as I reached to open the door. "You ARE in mortal danger. And so are the dimensions. My sister is the blonde you met on the airplane. You must help us."

"Wait a minute, you were spying on the bathrooms? I was peeing there." I said.

She sighed. "Take your friends from the rooms and go over there. I will be waiting to discuss this."

"IS YOUR NAME THALIA?" I shouted at her retreating back.
"It's Penthesileia, like the Amazon queen's sister, but just call me Leia. Don't call me Penny, or I'll kill you," said Henny Penny. She left the room we were in.

"RISE AND SHINE, LLAMA CABBAGE AND AESTHETIC APPETIZER," I kicked the doors down the corridor open and began attacking their ankles with the Pokemon squeaky hammer I had gotten last Halloween. Luna and Amadora glared at me (for they were already awake) and allowed me to cut the ropes

Luna, Amadora and I followed Pencil Leia into another room. She gestured to three chairs lined up against a table. She took a seat across from them.

"So." She began.
"So." We shrieked quietly. She glared.

"There have always been many different dimensions. We coexist on the same earth, but like different layers of it. We are unable to see them as they are, apart from you, you, you, and me, and other people."


"Rick Riordan, JK Rowling, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, et cetera. The things happening in their books are nothing but the truth. They have seen through the barriers to the other dimensions and thus, written them down as books and whatnot." Pencil waved her hand around carelessly.

"You mean- I can actually meet Percy? And Harry and Luna?" I can't deny I teared up a little. "And Sherly and Jimmy? Is it ok if they're from BBC Sherlock?"

"Indeed, Sh-Sherly and Jimmy from Sherlock. Indeed. Will you help us or not?"

"Hold on," Amadora frowned. "We barely know you and we don't know if we can trust you.. so.."

"Please. You have to."

Luna and I shared a glance. Our mental conversation went a bit like, "Fandom." "Yes." "Yes."

Amadora nodded weakly.

"Wait just a moment. You can't just send us on a quest. We're on holiday!" Luna and I stood up and slammed our fists on the table, remembering that we were supposed to be running around Paris wreaking havoc. "That's illegal!"

"Does anyone care what's illegal if the world is in danger?" Leia asked, her voice hushed and quiet.

"No." Amadora yapped.

"Alright. I'm ready to put myself in danger to meet my beautiful fandom children," I gabbled.

"So long as we die bravely and in barbaric terms," Luna cut in.

"You'll be fine, Luna," snapped Leia.
"So, Alyssa's first mission is to go to Sherlock's dimension and recruit the Baker Street Boys. We'll need their intellect in the coming days. I'll fix you up with a glamour, so that you will appear to be around Sherlock's age. You will be entering their dimension around the time when the Blind Banker happened."

"I'm not too fond of that episode, but fine," I gloopered.

Leia smiled. She opened the door for us courteously, and I walked into a new dimension.

Thanks for reading my trash.

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