Chapter 1- A Presedented Option

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You felt your senses slowly come back to life as you awoke from a more than uncomfortable sleep.
Given you were still between the small space of two boulders. Those men clearly had stopped looking for you.

You were glad. Now all you had to worry about was getting a cold or run out of energy to keep going. Not that you'd care which... You could hear the faint sound of drilling emanating from further in the cave.

Curious, you ventured down it running your hand along the right side wall so you could navigate your way back out. After a few mis-turns, you'd finally located the source of the noise. There were drills.

Multiple identical purple robots that were meters tall we're operating what appeared to be an energon mine.
'Wait, are they with them?... No... If so they would have found me already... Do these guys need it too?...' You thought though you were prevented from further debate when you could hear voices.

A screechy like male voice echoed around the cave and you scanned the area until you found two odd robots amongst the others. One was tall with stilettoed heels for feet and jet wings on his back. Although the heels appeared to be female, their voice spoke otherwise.

"Of the energon deposits we have located while you were away Lord Megatron. This one has been so far the most significant. The drones have been mining without pause during your absence... And have amassed quite a stockpile..." He pointed a clawed talon at one of the purple bots.
"You there, fetch me a sample." He commanded though interrupted by a deep and threatening voice that made your spine shiver.

"Starscream." The one now named as Starscream flinched and turned around as a larger robot stepped out of the shadows. His hips swaggering mesmerizingly.

This one who you now guessed was the leader, Lord Megatron you think Starscream addressed him as. He was silver with spikes curving up from the shoulder plates. Purple glowing highlights over his body with a large plasma gun attached to his right arm. Startlingly red eyes piercing from the dark as they glinted in the light.

"Now that I have returned, I shall issue the commands." He rasped, his tone made your heart thump against your chest. He closed the distance between himself and Starscream as his red eyes scanned the mine.

There was a yellow ringed tube that came down from far above. Deciding it may be best to stay unseen you hid behind a rock. Peeking out to continue watching them from a distance.

"I- understand. Lord Megatron..." Starscream answered stepping aside.
"Then as your humble servant, shall I ready the space bridge to bring forth the decepticon army you have surely gathered in your three years in space." He asked.

"My army will come, but my time away has yielded a more, intriguing means of materialising them." He pulled out a glowing purple shard holding it in front of him. You recognised it.

"The solidified form of the matter the ancient texts referred to, as the blood of Unicron." You remembered the people back where you once were referred to it as Dark Matter.

"Unicron the destroyer... But it is said that his blood is the anti-spark."
'What does he mean by anti-spark?' You thought until Megatron spoke again.

"Plucked from cosmic shores. Gaze upon, Dark Energon."
Starscream appeared to be losing his composure, nervousness evident in his posture.
"Legend tells that it holds the power to, revive the dead..."

"We require only a cadaver to be certain... Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice?" Megatron asked. Starscream chuckled nervously.

"Ah, that may not be necessary. If I may, Lord Megatron" he gestured to the yellow ringed pipe as a platform with two purple bots and some sort of cargo. They rolled it off, presenting it to their leader.

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