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Jin's POV

'Master' left the house saying that he is going hunting with his friends. He said these exact words, " I'm leaving the house to go hunting with my friends, and if you try to escape it'll be the last thing you'll do."

So now I'm here trying to find a way to escape this room. Ugh! I can't believe I'm being this brave and finding a way out. I tried the window, yesssss it opened. Wait, how could you be dumb enough to leave the window unlocked. Imma just jump out the window and hope that I would survive the fall. Oof! I looked around my surroundings after I fell down. There is forest everywhere around me. I began to walk in a random direction hoping i'd fine some type of civilization.

                                                              2 hours later

I swear I've been walking around this same bush for 2 hours now. I felt as if the world was spinning around me. Oh wait Appa always said that if your ever get lost in the forest to look for this certain type of forest green moss.I looked on the side of the tree that I walked around for 2 hours straight. Yay! The green moss is there. It is facing west of the tree. I started walking east in the direction of the moss. Ow! I just stepped on a branch.

                                                        30 minutes later

I've finally found some kind of civilization. [Wait til he finds out that he is in the realm in which mythical creatures exist]. Is that a gas station right over next to that telluride. I started running to what I thought was freedom. The sign on the building read" blood bath". I walked into the establishment. I looked around and swear that I saw a man with an eye. Wait an eye, I must be high or  something. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room again. I walked up to who I guess is the bartender. " Sir, um can you please tell me where the phone is" I asked. He looked at me and widened his eyes and screamed, " HUMAN!". The whole bar turned around to face me. I felt my whole world crashing down as soon as he uttered those words. I wanted to run but my body wouldn't allow me to. Everything happened in a flash, everyone started to surround me. But before they could touch me. What looked like a warlock widened her eyes." He has the mark of the king on his neck," she cried. They all gasped in shock and fear. So ' Master' is the king of this realm of supernatural beings. I heard a low growl from behind me, I turned around slowly hoping it wasn't who I thought it was. My face grew pale when I found out who it was. How is this possible, he said that he was going hunting with his friends. I heard four more growls from behind ' Master'. Master lowered his gaze from the rest of the bar to me. " What did I say would happen if I found out that you escaped," He growled. For some stupid reason I stood my ground. " Well I didn't ask for you to kidnap me but you did, but not only you rapped me, and WHY DID YOU MARK ME, YOU DON'T OWN ME," I screamed towards the end. Everyone looked at me in shock and fear, what he did do those things. He started chuckling very evilly. He prowled and walked to me as if I was his prey. I began to take steps backwards as the crowd parted around us. Out of nowhere he was in front of my face. " If I were you I wouldn't've said that," He purred. I rolled my eyes in front of his face. He wrapped his calloused hands around my neck. " Oh, Seokjinnie If I was you I'd stop talking before you get more of a punishment then you are getting now." He whispered in my ear. I tried to take his grip from around my neck, but he had tightened his grip around my neck. I struggled to breathe, " are you ready to be a good boy and listen to Master." He growled lowly. I nodded my head frantically hoping he would let me go so I could breath. His cold black eyes looked into my soft brown eyes. He let go of my neck, " I'm sorry Master, please don't punish me," I pleaded. He chuckled lowly and looked at me. " You make your bed, you lie in it," He said smugly.  I looked down at the floor. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him, " What cat got your tongue?". I looked at me one more time and beckoned for me to follow him. As soon as we stepped outside he picked me up and ran super fast back to the house.  As soon as we entered the house he told me to take my shirt off and go to the room with the red door and wait inside. I did what he asked seeing that I was already in enough trouble. When I got into the room I took my shirt and kneeled. He came inside a while later with a whip in his hands. No No please, I don't want that. I must've said that out loud because he responded with, " You don't get a choice sweetheart." shuddered internally. He rubbed my bare back. " you're getting thirty whippings to your back", He stated. He started hitting me without warning.

Smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack

After he finished, I was covered in blood and my own tears. " I hope you learned your lesson?" He said while cleaning my wounds and covering them in bandages. He picked me up bridal style and put me in a cotton button up. He kissed my forehead. Wait! He kissed my forehead. " Goodnight Master" I whimpered. He grunted in response as he crawled into bed next to me. I fell into a deep and painful slumber.

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