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School ended and you decided to walk home. You had fast legs so it wasn't to much of a hassle.

3rd person:
After about 10 minutes Lisa noticed somone was walking along side her. Due to being 5'2 she had to look up, but due to the sun she could just shout make out the 6'0 tall figure. Eventually her eyes adjusted and she noticed that the figure was Shu. Lisa shrugged it of and proceeded to wall enjoying she had a little bit of company since whenever she usually walked she was alone.

The walk was around 30 minutes and eventually  Shu and Lisa arrived home.

Your pov:

"Why do you walk back with me, your usually to lazy to even get up for school let alone go on a 30 min walk?" Yoy questioned him.
"So you didnt run away"he said plainly before walking to the couch to take a nap. You were fed up of never having a conversation with Shu so you decided to interrogate him.
"Why dont you ever talk to me?"you ask leaning over the sleeping blonde.
"Do you even know how to make conversation with someone?" You ask again trying to get home to talk.
"Shh, to loud" he mumbled before turning away from you.
You  gave up and walked away knowing how stubborn her is.

"Shu ignoring  you?" Said Ayato from behind making you stiffen up slightly  with annoyance.
" Ayato, I was meaning to talk to you. About the other day, I'm sorry for being to rude I was upset and hurt I-" tears began to roll down your face.
"Domt cry, it my fault, I hurt you and even though we will never have what we used to, I still love you" he smiled and embraced you in his arms. Kissing the top of your head.
"I love you to" you mumbled into his hard chest before being reported to your room. Slowly, your views on Ayato we begging to change. You no longer saw him as a lover but more of a brother, which gave you a more comfortable  and warm feeling on you heart.
"I'll let you rest" he smiled as he began to walk out the door.
"Dont go" you looked down as you dragged him into your bed.
"Lay with me"" you mumbled before dousing off. The walk must have worn you out.
He smismiled and kissed you forehead again before walking out.

The Silence between us~♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora