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You woke up to see a vacant spot to where Ayato used to be. Although you made up, the pain of the break up still hurt when you thought about him. So, you decided to clear your head by going onna walk around the garden. You put you pleated dress on and began to venture the sight, looking for places to feed you curiosity.

Eventually you found a small green house filled with the most beautifull flowers. You began to scan each one, taking in there every detail.
"Lisa?" Muttered Subaru.
"Oh, Hi Subaru" you smiled making him blush slightly.
"What are you doing in here" he wondered staring deep into your eyes.
"Just admiring the flowers" you rubbed the back of your neck slightly embarrassed.
"Ok. Wanna go play Mario Cart?" He said, looking proud as if he knew he would win.
"Oh your on" you giggled.

And hour later you got bored and switched the game to single player.
"I need to go do my homework now" you said getting of the floor is Subaru's room.
"Ok, have fun"he hummed making you annoyed.
As you walked through the hallway you accidentally bumped into Reji.
"Oh, sorry Reji" you stuttered hoping not to be punished for your actions.
"I'll let you off this time" he smiled warmly.
It seemed the brothers had started to warm up to you, treated you more like a sister (besides Shu) than a love interest or a blood bank. It made Yui envious, as much as she enjoyed the attention, she wis there little play toy, their blood bank.

You lay in your bed and began to explode quotes from a section of a novel you were reading in English that semester/term.
"Lisaa" whined Laito hugging you from behind.
"What" you hissed.
"Awh, bitch-chan don't be so mean"he whined again.
"Isnt that Yui's nick name?" you teased.
"Right, I'll think of a new one" he said .
"Can you let go now I need to finish my homework" you said pushing him off.
",Who cares about homework kitty, come with me" he smiled dragging you off.
"I wonder were hes taking me" you thought as he dragged you through the halls

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