Chapter 14: My Brother

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It was a weekmiddle* tommorow. Since a weekmiddle is a holiday, I decided to visit my parents and my brother.


*Three holidays in the middle of a week. A little similar to your 'weekend'.


My brother was very nice. I played with him, showed of my wings to him (he thought it was just a clip-on and I used some kind of remote control to control it), and giving him a fright when I told him that my blood was blue while pricking my blood. He was so scared he ran to the top floor of the house to hide.

After he had calmed down, we played the best game in the world--Minecraft. The game had been updated to version 10.95B.6 beta. It was first created on Earth in the year 2009 by someone named Markuss "Notch" Pesson. The reason why so many people liked it was because it stimulates the world to a blocky planet with everything.

We played in multiplayer mode. My brother had built a huge house in the game from five materials: pink stained bricks for the east wing, yellow stained bricks for the west wing, Notch's block for the north wing, the entrance and the south wing, glowstone-bricks for the central hall and coal blocks for the road that led to it.

We went through the map, and then I saved a copy for myself as it was really good.

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