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|•Jin's pov •|

"Code orange!" Namjoon yelled

"Shit!" I yelled knowing exactly what he meant...

I thumped down the stairs to see Jungkook in tears and Taehyung trying his best to comfort the younger but tears threatening to come down as well...

"What happened?" I asked

"A police officer called..." Namjoon sighed as I went completely white

"Wh-What did they say?" I asked praying they haven't found out that we took (y/n)

"Well, we were all way to scared to answer the call so he left a voice message..." Namjoon said biting his lip

Code orange meant something about (y/n).
It meant either someone was coming/found out, or she's in danger.
(AN: you're in danger ;-) ;-) ;-) )

"So?" I asked

" Well, (y/n)'s best friend... " Namjoon started but immediately stoped

"For God's sake! What happened!" I yelled slightly angry

"She-She killed herself...she called (y/n) a bunch of times before she killed herself...she ended up being one of the girls we kidnapped, she tried telling (y/n) about it but-but she didn't have her phone..." Namjoon said his head hung low

" Jesus... " I said letting out a big heap of air

"SOMEONE COME UP HERE!" We heard (y/n) tell

"Shit, she heard us..." Tae said

"We don't know for sure taehyung, and don't use those type of words. It is rude" I said

"Sorry Jin-hyung" Tae apologised

"So who's going up there?" Jungkook asked sniffing

"I will, because I know for sure you guys are huge pussy's" I chuckled

" True" Tae said

I began walking up stairs regretting what I said.
'why did I volunteer to do this?! It's like a lamb being sent to slaughter!' I thought

I can't get the image of her beautiful face out of my head...
I hate seeing her sad...

I got to her room and bit my lip and knocked.

"Better be Jin!" I heard ( y/n) say which made me chuckle

"Yes, it's me (y/n)." I said

Her door opened and she walked off signaling for me to come in, so I did just that.

I closed the door behind me and sat next to her in her bed

"S-So, what's up?" I asked

"I want my phone back" she said immediately

"I can't do that, I'm sorry...." I said

"Why not? There is someone I need to talk to Jin" (y/n) said

God, I love the way my name sounds coming from her. I mean, yes I am worldwide handsome and I am the second hottest person to ever walk the face of this earth but still.

"Please cooperate with me (y/n)..." I said

"Why do you pause after every sentence?" She asked

I took in a deep breath and got ready to say it...

"Yourbestfriendkilledherselfandshecalledyouabunchoftimesbeforeshediditimsosorryimsosorryimsosorryimsosorryimsosorry" I said

(Your best friend killed herself and she called you a bunch of times before she did it i'm so sorry x5)

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