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|•(y/n)'s pov•|

Me and Hoseok shared a confused glance but we still decided to go down there because who knows what Jin wants us to see

“He probably just wants to tell us a new dad joke he's come up with.” Hoseok told me as we left the room


And we both shared that 'oh shit' look

We rushed downstairs to see Jimin and Yoongi's faces both red from being so mad, But when Yoongi saw me his face turned from mad to sad.

“What Is all of this about? And why did Jin call me down to see this?” I asked raising my brow at both of the boy's

“I'm sorry…I didn't mean to go this far…I was just mad. I'm sorry Jimin” Yoongi apologized to Jimin

“BULL SHIT!” Jimin yelled throwing a punch towards Yoongi's face causing Yoongi to fall back from the impact

“PARK JIMIN COME WITH ME RIGHT NOW!” Jin yelled grabbing Jimin by the collar just to be slapped In the face by Jimin

(Ok so Jin grabbed Jimin by the collar and Jimin Bitch slapped Jin of i wasn't clear enough of that)

“LET ME GO!” Jimin yelled latching himself into Yoongi's waist and began punching him over and over

It took a few seconds for everyone to really process what was going on, But when everyone did Yoongi threw Jimin off of him sending him back down flat on the ground

Everyone just kind of stood there, wondering what was going through both of the boys heads. But when Jimin stormed off to his room Jin quickly ran after him.

“Is someone going to help me up or not?” Yoongi chuckled after some time

“Y-Yeah, Sorry.” I said scrambling over to Yoongi

I bent down and held my hand out for Yoongi to grab onto so I could pull him up, And that's exactly what happened. Once Yoongi was up on his feet Hoseok ran up to him and engulfed Yoongi into a huge hug, Probably killing Yoongi in the process.

“Alright Hobi, I know I was nearly beaten half to death but If you want to keep seeing this face again then I suggest you let me breathe or I will end up dead” Yoongi joked as Hoseok did as Yoongi said and let go of him and chuckled softly as he let Yoongi go

“S-Sorry” Hoseok stuttered as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly

“It's fine, Just hold off on hugging so much. It feels weird being so close” Yoongi chuckled

“I'm sorry, Who Is Hobi?” I laughed

“When me and Yoongi were kids I called him that. Hobi Is the nickname I gave him and I still call him It.” Yoongi explained

“Yep, and It didn't really originate from anything. He just called me Hope one time and it sounded like Hobi so he just started calling me Hobi since ” Hoseok smiled

“Welp, Who's tired? Because I sure am” Yoongi asked looking at me and Hoseok

“I'm sure we're all tired from whatever just happened. So let's just go to bed and sort this all out In the morning. I have Jimin under control, but he won't apologize for his terrible actions. Namjoon Is going to sleep with him, so we'll know If he tries to go for Yoongi again.” Jin said coming down the stairs and sitting on the kitchen table that was close to us

“Why did you choose the table to sit on when we have chairs?” Yoongi asked

“So I can tend to your wounds, They will heal faster with a mothers touch” Seokjin joked making me chuckle, But Hoseok and Yoongi stayed quiet

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