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"Well I gotta go, Me Yoongi and Kook are talking" I said getting up but got stopped by Jin grabbing my wrist making me wince a little, thankfully he didn't notice

" I really like you (y/n), please don't hesitate to talk with me. I know at times I can be mean but I really don't mean too. I'd like it if you ate with us but I would understand if you didn't want to" Jin said looking me deep in the eyes

"N-No I'm good, I wanna stay up with Kook and Yoongi. Thanks for the offer though" I said pulling away from Jin and heading back upstairs

I entered the room and saw Jungkook and Yoongi talking

"What's up losers?" I said plopping back on the bed putting more food in my mouth

" Nothing really, just talking about bugs" Yoongi explained making me chuckle

"What are you in? Kindergarten? Oh my gosh my mommy made me the best lunch today guys! I got gummy bears!" I laughed mocking them

" Bugs are really cool (y/n). Like there are some that have like millions of legs! " Jungkook exclaimed

"Kook, I'm fine with you talking about bugs cause it's cute. But Yoongi? Are you feeling alright?" I asked putting my hand to his forehead making him harshly push my hand away

" Jeez, it was just a joke. Don't get so butt hurt. Sorry, I just thought you could take a joke" I said getting genuinely hurt by his actions

"Well I'm sorry, can I not talk about certain things because it doesn't fit what I look like?" He said making me scoff

" I guess" i folded my arms

"Well princess (y/n), what can I talk about? Because what I say has to fit your likings" Yoongi sneered making me chuckle

"Well for starters you can't talk about yourself because you're far from cute" I explained softly

"Hey can we go to the booth again tomorrow.?" Yoongi asked playing with a loose string on his shirt and trying to revert back to me liking him, which wasn't gonna Happen

"Can't, I'm going to a cat cafe with Jin tomorrow" I said turning on a game on my phone

" Can I come? " Yoongi asked asked trying to gain my attention

"Lemme ask" I said exiting the game and asking Jin if he can come

And not long after Jin replied with 'no, this is you and me time. Not me you and Yoongi time. '

"He said no, sorry" I said hoping Jin would say that

" if you're just gonna play that Damn game don't even bother coming in my room" he sneered crossing his arms and looking away

"What's your problem? So what I can't hang out with you tomorrow, don't get your panties in a bunch" I said as Jungkook covered his mouth to stop a fit of laughter from escaping

"Shut up, just leave" Yoongi said

"Fine, I didn't wanna be here anyway" I said tearing up and going to my room, slamming the door shut and locking it quickly behind me
°•Yoongi's pov•°

"You messed up, and don't even say she started it hyung. I'm gonna send Jimin in there to try to talk to her" Jungkook said getting up

"Jimin? Are You kidding? He hates her!" I said getting up facing Jungkook

"Well they can help each other right now hyung, now calm down. You're kind of scaring me..." Jungkook said making me scoff

" Oh shut up, you can shove it up your ass Jungkook" I said raising my hand making him shudder

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