Chapter 5

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alex's P.O.V.

all the girls from around me ran away when they seen thomas. he didnt look too happy with me, so if i were them, i would run too. now, lemme give you a little rundown on why thomas is mad. so you know how i got new clothes, and i have an expensive car? yeah. so since girls finally realized that the nice car in the parking lot belongs to me, they have been all over me. 

and guess to got jelly?

thomas jefferson

i looked up at him and seen his lips moving. i couldnt hear anything he was saying. well i could probably could hear him, i just didnt care. until i felt him punch me in the face. i snapped back into reality and heard the cafeteria go silent. i held my cheek, and looked around me. everyone was staring at me and thomas. it was so quiet you could hear a pen drop. i looked over to johns table and i seen his friends with surprised expressions. i looked over at john who had a shoked expression mixed with rage. 

i wasnt gonna just let him get away with punching me. i mean c'mon, my dad is a hitman. he would be pissed if i let someone punch me and i didnt fight back. 

i stood up, and socked thomas in the face. i heard him groan before looking at me with fire in his eyes. the next thing i knew, i was on the ground, with thomas punching me over and over. I couldnt even feel his punches at this point. i knew i was gonna feel them later or sure. my vision went a bit blurry, but i could see someone ripping thomas off of me. 

i seen john looking at me with a worried expression. i could hear his muffled voice repeating "are you okay?" i couldnt produce words, and i just repsonded with a small nod. I felt myself being lifted off the ground, and i looked up at john. he looked down at me with a small smile "everything is gonna be okay"

i looked around, and i seen my surroundings moving. john was...carrying me...

i smiled softly and nuzzled into his chest. i in his arms. im always acting tough, and defending myself feels good to have someone else protect you. 

John brung me to the nurse's office and he put me down. the nurse asked my name, and i whispered it to her so john wouldnt hear me.

in about 10 minutes, the nurse has cleaned the blood off of my face, and i was laying on one of those beds in the nurse's office. john pulled a chair up next to me. i looked over and smiled at him, even though it hurt. "thank you, john"

john's eyes widened a bit "y-you know my name?" i chuckled, and nodded "yeah. everyone talks about you" john smiled and looked down in his lap. "how can i ever repay you john?"

john looked up and his eyes met with mine. a smirk spread across his face. oh no. "weeeeeeeelllllllll, you would tell me your name"

i opened my mouth to refuse, but nothing came out. i mean, he did just save me from thomas, so i at least gotta do as he asks. 

"m-my name....i-is Alexander. Alexander Hamilton...."


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