Chapter 29

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Alex's P.O.V.

i love john. like really really really really love john.  he always makes my life better. since i got shot, john has come straight in from school, and went to me. he spends all day with me until visiting hours are over. a couple times, he even convinced a nurse to let him stay with me all night. he even got my dad to stop forcing me to be a hitman. i looked at the door as i saw john come in. he walked towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek "hey sugar" he said. i smiled."hi" he ran his hand through my hair "guess who is leaving the hospital today?" john said, doing a little victory dance while he was at it. "me?" i asked, arching an eyebrow. he nodded "mhm!"

"yes! finally! i have been dying for a cigarette and-" john cut me off, and pouted playfully "all you can think about is cigarettes instead of your boyfriend who has been deprived of cuddles?" i chuckled "i will give you lots of kisses and cuddles later" john smiled "you better" 

~time skip~
after i changed into the clothes john brought from my house, we walked outside. i smiled as the sun shined in my eyes. on other days, it would be annoying. but by john's side, everything was okay. i felt his hand holding mine gently. i looked down to see our hands intertwined. it looked perfect. "we have to catch the next bus" john said, pulling me towards a bus stop. "cant you just learn to drive like a normal teenage boy?" i said, laughing a little. "fuck you" john said and looked at me, trying to hide his smile. 

"i already did, babyboy~" i seen john's face turn red. he sat down on the bench and hid his face from me. aww. i sat down next to him and pulled out a cigarette. i lit it, and took a hit of it. i missed this. john took the cigarette from me, and took a hit before blowing the smoke at me. i laughed and fanned the smoke away. john giggled and gave me back the cigarette, and put his head on my shoulder. i looked around at my surroundings, and couldnt help but smile. i could be dead right now, but im alive. i could be alone, but i have john. i sighed happily. thinking of our wedding day in the future. 

"Whatcha thinkin about?" i heard the perfect voice say. i looked at john and smiled "our wedding day"john's eyes widened. im guessing he is surprised i was so straight forward with it. i put my hand in his hair, playing with his curls. he seemed to enjoy it cause he closed his eyes and leaned on me a bit. i kissed his forehead "i love you john. more than anything in the world" he smiled "i love you too lexi" 

i chuckled as i thought of when me and john first met. "what was that name you called me when i didnt tell you my real one?" i asked. john giggled "Mr. no name kid" thats it! my smile widened "awwww" i cooed. "i know, i know, its a stupid nickname, but dont tease meee" i giggled "no no, i like the name" i heard a bus pull up, and i seen john stand up

"lets go, Mr. no name kid"


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