Chapter 10

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trigger warning: self harm

John's P.O.V.

laff and herc glared at me "what the hell is wrong with you john?!" herc exclaimed. i looked confused "w-what do you mean..?" laff rolled his eyes "dont play dumb!" i looked down at my feet, knowing exactly what they were talking about. "why did you push alex away?! he did nothing wrong!"

i looked up at them and spoke "well, francis told me that-" herc cut me off "francis always tells you stuff! you still believe what he tells you?! whatever he told you about alex is just because he is jealous!"

 i know that. im just trying to protect alex. i would rather see him sad than physically hurt by francis...

i felt my eyes water, and what laf said next didnt help at all either. "and if francis hurts you again, we wont help you. we helped you last time, now you are on your own." i put my head down and started crying silently. then, i heard them walking away. god, what have i done?

~the next day~

Francis wasnt here today, so thats a relief. i walked into the school, and people waved at me, expecting me to wave back and smile, but i didnt. i didnt feel like smiling today. i probably wont smile anymore. well unless its for francis, but other than that, no. to be honest, im kinda pissed at herc and laff. they know how francis manipulates me, and they continue to think everthing is my fault. 

i walked to my locker, and seen herc and laff there. i ignored them, and got my books and stuff for my class. once i closed my locker, i seen herc and laff looking at me with worried faces "john we-" laff started to speak but i cut him off. "no. i dont want to speak to you" i said coldly and walked to my class. 

~at lunch~ 

i got my food, and spotted francis's table. nobody was there cause francis was absent. now, francis's friends werent sitting at the table because of me. they didnt like me that much. so whenever francis wasnt there, they would go to a different table. so, i walked over to francis's table, and sat by myself.

Alex's P.O.V.

i looked over and seen john sitting by himself. he looked so....sad... even though he was the one who pushed me away, i still feel like a jerk. there were girls yelling things at me, but all i could focus on was john. he looked so alone, so afraid. what was he afraid of? his boyfriend seems like he would protect him. 

laff shooed the girls away, and he looked at me "whatcha lookin at?" i sighed "im looking at john" laff followed my eyes, and his eyes landed on john. i heard laf gasp "oh no! herc look what we've done!" herc looked over at john and frowned "aweeee..." i seen john finally stand up, and he ran out the cafeteria, and most likely to the bathroom. 

i ran after him, and by the time i got to the bathroom, i seen john cutting his arm. my heart broke seeing him do this. i ran over to him and took the knife away from him. john looked up at me with tears in his eyes.  i picked john up and took him out of the bathroom, then out of the school.  john sniffled "where are we going..?" he asked quietly. "to clean your cuts before they get infected" 

i know we are technically skipping, but i dont care. i put john in the passenger seat of my car, and i got in the drivers seat. i turned the car on, and drove john to my house.


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