1. The Red String

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The sound of the T.V coming from the bed room was loud. The woman in the speaker was talking about how red strings of fate do exist.

Junho sighed as he walked in his room and realised he left the T.V on earlier before he went out in a rush. He shut it off internally thinking how bullsh*t these myths are. He plopped down on his bed and thought back to the events earlier he had in the day.

It's been 3days since he came back to Seoul. After 3years of mastering in business and working in Canada, his father called him back to Seoul and to start understanding the work around here before he could replace him.

His father wasn't one to feed him gold from the start so he had to start working as a supervisor in a team in a sub-company his father had shares in.

Tomorrow will be a new start at the new company. He didn't really think of how it would go but when this will end and start working for his own. He just wanted to settle down, fixed.

He went out to meet his dad who would be leaving for NewYork tomorrow morning, had some talks together and about how his mother is doing. He hadn't talked to his mother for years now. The reason...he didn't want to think of it.

Junho sighed and decided he should take a bath before sleeping. He walked in the bathroom to get a warm shower. He frowned when he saw a red string thread stuck on his white bath robe. He plucked it off and put in inside the bin.

After taking bath, he ended the day with a deep and sound sleep.

It was 1 am when he woke up to the sounds of rustling winds out the window. It was weird because his room was all closed and nowhere near to get such sounds. And then he heard the sounds of lightening, cracking loud in the sky. He flinched at the sound which brought memories he chose not to remember. He rubbed his eyes thinking he should get back to sleep when his eyes landed on something thin but bright red on his little finger.

Frowning, he touched it and realised it was a smooth thread. He tried to remove it but for some reason, he couldn't and it was stuck. He trailed his eyes on the thread and surprisingly the thread held a long path going out of his room. Junho was too tired to give a damn so he slept back thinking, he can deal with whatever that is in the morning.

It was morning. Junho moved when he heard his alarm buzzing next to him. Thankfully he woke up at the right time. He decided to wash up and he remembered what happened during the night. He quickly looked down his finger and realised it was gone. He was sure it didn't look like it was a dream. It felt too real to be a dream.

After bathing, he dressed up and went out for his first day of work in Seoul.

He was surprised to see everything dry and sunny. He was sure, there was a storm last night.

He shrugged it off and start to drive his car.

Soon he reached, one of the assistants guided him for what he had to do. He was assigned for the team who hold the biggest project currently for the company. It was a risky job for a first trial but Junho knew his father told the CEO of the company purposely to assign him on this. He had looked over through files the other day and he knew he could do it alright as long as he works well with the team.

"The team is of 7 members. Currently 6 is available and it had been hectic without a supervisor so I'm glad Sir, you'll join them from today."

"Only 6?" Junho raised a brow at the number of members. He was used to working with a larger group for big projects so comparing the number of members and the project, it was hard to believe.

"Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir. Our company is currently under-employed so we recently recruited a lot of them. A new recruit will be joining the team, hence seven and he will be joining the team by Monday." The assistant explained.

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