Chapter Twelve: The Full Truth

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              Percy quickly realized that the hall she had used to come into the med bay no longer lead back to the front doors. After running down the halls at a full, desperate sprint, eyes burning with tears, and lungs heaving in exhaustion, it became obvious that escaping at that moment would be impossible and that hiding would be her next best option for avoiding the Doctor until she found the exit.

                So she turned blindly to the first door she came upon and tore it open, slamming it shut behind her. Even though the room was dark, Percy scanned it, selectively seeing only the places that could serve as a potential hiding spot. Immediately, her eyes saw a metal ladder leading about five feet up the far wall up to an alcove. Quicker than a lizard, the young woman scaled the ladder and threw herself into the alcove, flattening herself against the cushioned floor and against the far wall, cradling her throbbing hand. From there, she watched with the eyes of a hawk the door and the thin crack of golden light from the bottom of it.

And she watched.

And she waited.


                The next morning (or at least many hours later) Percy awoke slowly, her hazel eyes blinking lazily for a moment. They were still heavy with exhaustion, as she had practically slept with one eye open the whole night, and her muscles were ready to give out from being constantly tensed in her light sleep.

She carefully sat up from the nest of pillows and blankets she found herself in and observed her surroundings.

                It appeared that she was in some kind of loft with walls on three sides that was sunk into the wall about five feet off the ground. On the opening that led to the rest of the room, there was a solid wall about half a foot high, presumably to prevent her from falling out. The walls and ceiling inside this nook were black and had little plastic glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to them. The floor area of the nook was about six feet by six feet, and appeared to be entirely covered in a mattress with black sheets and a grey comforter, and black and grey pillows that were tossed around her.

               Carefully, Percy poked her head out from her nook and surveyed the room. The walls were a deep navy blue with dark hardwood flooring. A ladder (the one she had climbed up the night before) was right next to a little fireplace with two big black chairs. On the other side of the ladder was a huge window with beanbag chairs in front of it. There was also a small desk and a chair across the room and two doors. The one directly across from the bed led to the outside, and the other she guessed lead to a bathroom. The room, Percy realized, felt almost like it was made for her.

It was too bad she wasn't staying.

               Gradually, her courage grew and she slowly descended the ladder, her convers' (which she had not taken off) tapped lightly against the floor.

                 Immediately, her eyes were transfixed on the window before her. It stretched from the floor to the ceiling and displayed the most beautiful view Percy could ever have imagined. Cautiously, as if it was all a dream, or perhaps a trap, the young woman approached the window and rested her palms against the cool glass. A breath of awe escaped her as she gazed in wonder at the sight before her:

               Inky blackness spread as far as she could see, so total and absolute that Percy could only guess she was looking at outer space. But this darkness was pushed aside by brilliant displays of color; stars, planets, dust...they all swirled in her vision and caused a silent calmness to envelope her soul. It was... magnificent. Never before, Percy thought, had she ever seen such beauty. For a few moments, she just stood, watching the stars twinkle and the planets swirl.

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