Q&A Responses!!!

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Okay everyone!  As promised, here are our friends' answers to your questions!  Characters, please come and take your seats!  

*The Doctor, Percy, and Cassandra come in.  (Well, everyone else walks in.  Cassandra is wheeled in by Chip, who then goes and sits in the corner.)*

The Doctor :  *looking into the camera*   "Hello!  This is a fantastic book, isn't it!  The best!  Totally amazing!  Molto bene!  Don't you agree?  Oh yes, totally and completely awesome!" *Winks at author*

*Winks back*  Thanks, Doctor.  Very subtle.  

The Doctor*beaming*  Any time!

And none of that was arrogance on my part because I technically didn't say it! 😁

Anyway!  We've got several questions here and I would like you three to answer them as best you can.  Remember:  There are no wrong answers, only stupid ones!

Q 1: Bushbaby246 asked "Did Percy get her jumper back?  Because she could hit the Doctor with her sleeves if she did."

A: Percy:  No, I--

Cassandra:  God no, I made sure of that!  That thing was hideous!  A complete fashion atrocity!  She should be thanking me!

The Doctor:  *Very confused.*  Why on earth would you encourage her to hit me with the sleeves?

Cassandra:  Darling, you deserve it.

*Confused Doctor is very confused.*

Q 2gameprincessj asked "What does Percy enjoy doing to pass the time or just for fun?"

APercy :*very uncomfortable at having been put on the spot*  Um, well I've never really had time to just relax, living on the streets and all.  But I enjoy being with animals a lot.  Cats and horses especially, though my recent experiences with the former may change that a bit...  Um, I'd like to learn how to read better.  I don't recall ever going to school, so I'm not very good at it.  But I've always liked the idea of books."

The Doctor: *Explodes with energy*  I'll teach you!  There's an amazing library on the Tardis!  Nearly every book you can imagine!  Every genera!  Every topic!  You'll love it!

Percy*frozen in terror like a deer in headlights*

*moment of silence*

*Face-palm*  Now you've done it, you've terrified the poor girl!

Q 3halaric asked "How does the Doctor feel Rose will react to Percy?"

AThe Doctor:  *Goes into 'Sherlock-just-found-out-he's-John's-best-friend-mode*  I--uh-- well...  Oh God.  You know, I haven't even thought about Rose this entire time!  But--But I think Rose'll like another girl on the Tardis.  More company!"

Do you think she'll get jealous?

The Doctor:  Why would she get jealous?  It's not like we're in a relationship or anything, right?  Haha!

Cassandra:  I smell drama.

The Doctor:  You don't even have a nose!

It's a figure of speech, Doctor.

Percy*very confused* Who's Rose?

*Everyone flinches*

The Doctor:  Um... spoilers?

You shouldn't know that word yet!

The Doctor:  *sheepish*  ...Spoilers?

It's alright, you're all getting memory-wiped at the end of this anyway.

Everyone:  WHAT!?

Q 4halaric asked "Will the Doctor come back for Rose?"

AThe Doctor*Still disturbed by the memory-wipe comment*  Yes!  Yes of course!  I haven't forgotten about--- well... But I didn't forget about her for long!  She's still my companion and very good friend and I promised that I would take her back to see the stars,  The addition of Percy doesn't jeopardize that at all.

Percy*Sits there awkwardly*

Okay that's it for our first Q and A!  Thank you to everyone who submitted questions!  Alright, my lovely characters!  It's time for the memory wipe! 

*General cries of alarm and fear*  

*Laughs maniacally*  *Waves magic wand and everyone faints*

Well, I hope everyone enjoyed this little game!  I sure had fun writing it!  I mean, um... relaying what the characters said!

Percy*Just waking up*  What did you enjoy?

Nothing, Percy.  

I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up (I'm insanely busy at the moment) (seriously, when am I not?) but I'll try my best to work on it and get it up relatively soon.  Things are going to start getting interesting!


Everyone else:  Bye!

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