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As I started to shift back into reality after my quite literally dazzling performance on the chariot, I realised this outfit definitely wouldn't be practical for basically anything. Walking to the hotel where we were staying until we entered the games, the cold attacked my legs like daggers, and I could feel parts of this dress coming loose. Not to even mention how much glitter I'd have to wash off of my entire body, including my hair.

Our rooms were based on the group of people we had came with, ranging from the 1st floor to the 12th. The ground floor was for basic necessities in a hotel, like a dining room and check-in area. This place was specifically designed for the Games, nobody else except from the tributes or people involved in them could stay here while they were taking place - they rented it out after though, profiting off of the people they forced to stay. As I came in a group of three, they had to place me on a floor with a male tribute from the other group of three, as obviously the rooms were only designed for two tributes.

My hotel room was Floor 11, one from the top. I pressed the button on the elevator and the city's high-tech inventions took me to my room in almost no time. It did make my stomach turn a little, but it's better than those elevators that take 5 minutes just to get you from A to B (so basically anything in the grimy Ava streets).

Turns out my roommate was named Indigo, a 12 year old Maintainer with a tan complexion and very thick, curly brown hair. The fact that he wasn't even an Overseer paired with his age made me extremely concerned, as I was guessing he would be one of the first to leave the arena. By leaving, I mean having a lifeless body carried out by the city's helicarriers after being brutally attacked. I practically begged him to join an alliance with me to make sure he could at least survive the first day, him thankfully agreeing to the deal.

My stylist was sharing the hotel room, along with who I presumed was Indigo's stylist and another representative from the city. We would apparently meet up with our mentors when it was time for training. Right now, it was time to shower the overpowering amount of glitter off of my body, so I walked into the nearest bathroom and made sure the door was locked, trying to scrub every one of those annoying particles off of me. This hurt way more than whatever the prep team did.

After getting changed into some comfortable yet stylish clothes that were provided in my temporary closet, I decided I needed to eat. Before I did this, I made sure to neatly put away my butterfly dress, savouring its beauty. If I managed to survive somehow, I'd want to take that home as a souvenir-type thing. It's best to eat as much as possible in the run up to the Games, as I'll have a better chance of surviving and not lose too much weight. Who knows if they'll even provide food in the Arena?

This had to be a dream, the piles of luxuries stacked on the table, cakes oozing with toppings and savoury delicacies far from my imagination. I wish I could just stay in the city, I'd never have to go hungry again. I grabbed the nearest plate and started stuffing it with all kinds of things, choosing a liquid for my starter - obviously some type of soup. Dipping a roll into the bowl, I wondered how I ever ate the low quality gruel we had every morning.
By the time I had reached dessert, I felt as if I had ate enough to last me for a year. Well, I guess anything seems luxurious when compared to ARI food.

Illusions (A Hunger Games AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن