Chapter 3 part 6

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Ellie looked at Marlon "I think we should tell Clem first... She is the leader..." She said as Duncan shrugged and nodded "well me and Courtney are going to our rooms... You can tell them both..." Duncan left leaving Ellie Marlon and Brody. Brody didn't want to go so just Ellie and Marlon did.

As Ellie and Marlon made their way up the steps Ellie asked Marlon something "so... I heard you used to be leader... What happened?" Marlon shrugged and said "the pressure.... It was getting to me bad.... So I decided to step down and Clem decided to step up..." He said as Ellie nodded and they were at the door.

Marlon knocked on it and received a "come in!" Back. Marlon and Ellie both walked inside and saw Clem sitting at her seat. "So... Any news about the Battleborns?" She asked as Marlon nodded "and not the good kind..." Ellie added. Clem sighed and crossed her arms "spill the beans..." She said. "Uh... We ran into Jane." Marlon said as Clems face grew worried. "We had a little chat and then.... She let us leave... On our way back.... We found Markus and Jen's heads on.... Tables..." Marlon said.

Clems face was the most mixed  reaction. A mix of almost everything. She was silent for a bit. "Thanks..... Thanks for telling me.... You can leave now..." She said as Marlon nodded and Ellie and Marlon left.

Then after that little ordeal with Clem they headed over to Luther's room. They opened the door and Luther and Brian were in there. "Oh hey..." Luther said to them. "We... We Uh... Have bad news..." Marlon said as Luther looked up "what is it?" "Well... When we were scouting we found the Battleborns leader and.... Then we walked away and went back to the school... On our way there.... We saw a table with two heads and.... It had Markus and Jen's head on them...." Marlon said.

Luther's face was not a mix of emotions it was just... Blank... Brian got up and said "you guys should probably go... He might snap on you..." He said as they both nodded and walked out the door.

Marlon didn't say anything back to Ellie and they just went their separate ways. As Ellie was walking out the door she heard Joel's voice "hey kiddo..." Ellie's eyes lit up as she turned and saw Joel standing up. He could walk. "Joel!" She yelled as she hugged him Joel smiled "don't crush me with this hug...." He said as Ellie smiled. "We can talk later but Clem asked me to go fishing with Violet...." He said.

Ellie nodded and walked away happy after what just happened.

She opened her door and saw Duncan and Riley talking "Holy shit you can talk?!" She asked looking at Riley who just slightly nodded. "I got her to... Don't ask me how... I don't even know...." He said and Ellie smiled "I won't...." She replied. "Yeah... I just didn't want to talk after all that happened.... I-I think I'm ok now..." She said as Ellie nodded.

They talked for a bit more and Mitch came in swinging his knife around. Riley immediately froze up after seeing it and Ellie could see her trembling. Duncan was against the wall looking at Mitch to see if he would do anything. Riley and Ellie were on the bed.

Mitch smiled when he saw Riley. "Oh? You're afraid of this?" He asked waving it around her face. Ellie could hear her trembling. "Hey dickface stop!" She yelled and Duncan uncrossed his arms "don't.... Buddy...." He said with anger in his voice.

Mitch kept on doing it and started sliding the knife down her arm. It didn't break skin but she was as still as a statue. "I warned you!" Duncan yelled.

He went over to Mitch and pinned him against the wall. Mitch kicked him in the leg causing Duncan to fall over and Mitch got on the attack. Most of Mitchs punches were not connecting but some did. Duncan was able to block his punch and roll him over on his back. He put him in a choke hold and Mitch elbowed him in the rib.

Duncan had enough after that and punched Mitch in the face. It dazed Mitch and Duncan got up. Mitch tried to get up and Duncan kicked him in the gut.

Duncan picked him up and slammed him against the wall. "YOU EVER EVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU WILL BE IN THE FUCKING GROUND!" He yelled. He let Mitch go and he ran out the door "pussy..." He said to himself.

Duncan then looked at Ellie "sorry about that..." He said. Ellie nodded and said "it's fine...." Duncan nodded and leaned back up against the wall. Later on Matt came into her room... "So me and a few of my men are getting ready to go to the Riders and assassinate the leader... We have Clems permission.... And now we just gotta know how to do it..." He said.

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