Chapter 2

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Fun fact: Demons and Angels age slow in this story. Also there's a time jump. So they are much older. Think of it as 250 years passed but Daniels around 24 years old and Camira is around 18 years old. Once demons die they are reborn a few hundred years later. But once Angels die they never return. It'll explain later during the book. 



"Hey stop! Get back here!"

Daniel laughed and spread his dark lighting like wings. 

" You fool. My son is on Lucifers main guard. Bring that back here this minute you lowlife"!  The man screamed. 

Daniel chuckled at the overweighted man with the enflammed skin that looked like a riped  tomato. 

The man has no idea who he is. 

He flapped his wings once, and he was quickly lifted high into the air. 

"We are all lowlives Mr. Bishop"!  Daniel shouted down at the man. Daniel continued to snicker as he flew away.  

Hell, they were in hell. 

Mr. Bishop was shouting profanities at the young demon that stole the ring that Mr. Bishop was going to propose to his wife with later that day. 

Daniel didn't care though. He's done things like this on the regular. Plus, the man was the boss of the demon shop. 

He could get a new one. Daniel thought. 

Daniel flew to Lucifers castle. When he got to his room he sighed and stared at the ring. He thought it was quite beautiful. He loved the beautiful golden dimond that presented itself. 

A knock sounded at the door.

Daniel hissed in annoyance and quickly hid the ring. 

He walked to the door muttering curse words. "Who fuck is i-" He stopped mid sentence realizing it was just his mother.  "I'm sorry mother." Daniel apologized. 

" My dear, son. We are demons. And out everyone in hell you are the sweetest." She smiled while touching his cheeks. 

He wouldn't describe himself as sweet but....

His lips formed a thin line trying to hide a smile. Only if she knew the things he's been up to. 

"Uh mother I'm kind of busy right now....can we talk later?"

"Daniel I just wanted to remind you that another Decade Delight dance is happening  tonight to find you a wife. So be ready by 9. All royals take a wife at a young age so they can work on having children. You know how hard it is for us demons to have children. And you've been ready to take a wife for decades. I don't know what's gotten into you." She clicked her tongue at him. 

"Okay okay mom I'll be there. Anything else?" He asked slowly moving her out the doorway.

"Yes.... please do your hair."His mother pleaded roughing up his hair. 

"Okay I will, promise. Bye mom." He said quickly shutting the door, not giving her time to say anything else. 

Daniel ran his fingers through his hair and let out a deep sigh. 

No way he was going to that dreadful dance again. 

Delightful my ass, he thought.

He wasn't attracted to any of the females there. They either had no class, full of themselves, were sluts, dull, or just plain evil. 

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