Chapter 10

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I put on my dark blue cloak before we went out. I kept my head covered but not low, that would show weakness. I want no attention until we get to the marketeers. It had been a while since I really went into the town area, so I was a bit excited to be honest.

"Do you read much?" Erik randomly asked. He was trying to make small talk.

"I haven't really had the time. Anything you recommend?" I questioned.

"Try reading 'Romeo and Juliet' it's a major classic that everyone needs to read," he stated.

"Sounds lovely," I grinned, "I shall search for it in the library tonight."

"Oh, you don't have to do that. I'll just put it on your nightstand before you head to your room to sleep," he promised.

"Or you can do that," I laughed. Erik chuckled some too.

There were many places in Arendelle that were associated with exports, but marketing was the largest. As we approached the market square, I smelt something deliciously out of this world!

"Is that....chocolate?" I wondered out loud as I let my body follow my nose to the location of the source. I stopped at a table full of coco brown colored bars. The person who owned the table recognized me.

"Why, your majesty! This is a lovely surprise!" The jolly lady cheered giving me a bear hug.

"Hello Ellen," I smiled, "I didn't know you worked with chocolate now!" Remembering your subjects names make them feel very special....which they were!

"Well, You haven't been out in a while, and I couldn't quite shout it to you now could I?" Ellen joked, "who is this?" She asked staring at Erik.

"Oh, this is Erik, my friend," I said. Erik grinned when I said the word Friend.

"It's nice to meet you Erik," Ellen loudly said while giving him a giant hug as well. She must have squeezed him too tight, though, because when he spoke it was as if he had no more breath.

"It's-good-to-meet-you-too-ma'am," Erik replied in slow parts. I giggled quietly at his struggles.

"You are a handsome man, Erik," Ellen said looking at him, then she turned to me, "why don't you marry someone like him, dear? He'd make a fine king!"

Erik and I blushed as we glanced at each other. This was VERY awkward. I giggled some as I spoke while Erik just stood there like I had frozen him in place. "No no no, he's not that kind of friend. He is my friend, yes, but not a maybe-i'd-date-him friend, just....'a' friend," I tried to explain as quickly as I could.

Ellen gave me a glare but then shook it off. "If you say so, Elsa, but you never know what fate has in mind."

Tell me something I don't know.

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