Chapter 33

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"It's.....the lake?" I said sort of in disappointment because I was expecting something more exhilarating.

I looked over at Erik who was smiling as if he knew something I did not. He walk over to me and put 2 of his fingers under my chin. Then he pushed my head gently upwards as he said in my ear, "look up."

Then, I gasped. For above me were thousands of fireflies that lit up the night sky brighter than the stars. They flew down to the pond and lit up the dark blue water like a dance. We could now see the frogs on the Lilly pads hopping to the beat of the crickets's song. It was amazing to whiteness! I was star struck.

"Wow, this is amazing!" I said to Erik with excitement. In my opinion, it was definitely in the top 3 of all of our dates.

"Happy 6th month anniversary," said Erik, giving me a surprising kiss on my check.

I blushed and said back, "happy 6th month anniversary to you too."

For the rest of the date, we strolled around the lake area and talked or laughed. There was one point in our conversation where Erik got sort of serious.

"Elsa, can I ask you a question?" Erik asked.

"You can ask me anything," I replied, squeezing his arm I linked onto.

"You should be honest to the people you love, right?" Erik questioned me.

"Of course," I replied as I thought over and over again in my head "did he just say the 'L' word?"

"So, honestly tell me your opinion on this next question," then Erik took a deep breath and asked, "do you think your dad would approve of me?"

Even though I had the urge to scoff at his silly question, I knew it wasn't silly to him. So I responded, "I don't think he would've approved of me dating any other man, unless it had been you." And that was the truth.

Erik smiled at me. "Really?" He wondered.

"Really really," I replied, also giving him a kiss on the check closest to me.

Erik stopped all of a sudden when I kissed him. He unlinked arms with me and turned to face me. Then he took my hands with care and took a step closer to me.

"May I kiss you?" He asked in a whisper.

I slowly smiled and looked up into his dark sea green eyes. "Yes, I replied, "you may."

Then, oh so slowly, we locked lips. My arms were around his neck as his were around my waist. The fireflies circled around us as if they has been trained to do so. My first kiss truly has been magical.

When we pulled away, all we could do was smile and laugh at each other. As we made our way back to the carriage to head to the castle, once more I thought in my head if Erik was my....other half.

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