Chapter 3: The Kidnapping

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Dabi's POV
Fuck. I forgot what Y/N acted like. (She/He/They) are bold and brave. We had just gotten back to our hideout after the little... visit.

"So, what do you guys think? Pretty strong, yet easy to catch right?"

Toga just stared at me before laughing. "I'm only for it since you seem to be invested in something for once. When should we go and get (him/her/them)?" She asked.

The 'leader' was smirking. "In 10 days. Let's let (him/her/them) relax before then."

That was completely strange. What would the League of Villains want with me? I'm practically useless to everyone but Dabi.

Wait... is Dabi the reason they came here? That can't be good. I'm going to talk with UA principal to see if we can cancel my lessons so no student gets hurt.

I hope that they don't come back. And if they do, that I'm prepared for it.

-Time Skip 1 month(Still your POV)-

I had just gotten back to UA after a job, sighing and stretching my sore body. If you are wondering why I am back at UA, it's because I live at UA. As a teacher, pro hero, a student of some sort, and for defense.

Once I was in my room, I began to unpack my duffle bag of clothes. I was only supposed to be on a lookout, not fighting. I was supposed to call Endeavor, which I didn't, and finished the part of the job that wasn't meant for me. But I still have some fight in me that will take a while to get rid of.

As I started to think that I could handle myself if villains ever showed, I was surrounded once more with burning blue flames.

"Who do I owe the pleasure for having you come back? Just go away, Dabi. I'm not in the mood to fight you AGAIN." I sighed with a small smirk.

Dabi, who was hiding behind the flames, walked through and came closer to me. "Good. That means that this won't be that hard. And I decided to come here on my own accord. But you are coming with me. We shall never be separated ever again."

To be honest, Dabi at this current moment looks incredibly creepy. His lovely blue eyes now screamed danger when once they screamed safety. There was also blood on his shirt, telling me that he just finished committing a large crime.

"I'm not going with a villain, from force or consent. I would rather die." I growled, getting into a fighting stance. The only problem is that I am surrounded by his flames and if he intends to harm me, I can be burned from any direction because of the wall and him himself. Aka, I am doomed.

Dabi rolled his eyes. "You, my dear Y/N, are in no shape for fighting. You'll just get even more hurt. That I can guarantee. If you come with me without a fight, I shall not hurt nor kidnap any of your precise students. Do we have a deal?"

"We only have a deal if the League promises to not hurt anyone at UA."

"I can't promise that. You'll have to talk with them and they aren't here. Sorry, but let's go." Dabi spoke with glowing eyes as the fire came closer.

The fire did burn as I watched Dabi before everything went dark.

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