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Mrs. Goodwill sat me down and put some sort of a tight, choking belt around me. Oof, so uncomfortable. She then shut the door of the metal box, and then came from the other side and sat down as well. There was some sort of a frisbee- like disc in front of her, and a bone like stick which seperated us. She pushed down with her feet and turned around the stick, and the metal box gave a little growl. I sat up, startled.
Mrs. Goodwill gave out a chuckle from my expression. She seemed like a nice lady.

She looked a little old, she might be in her late 40s. Her hands were just showing some signs of wrinkles, but her face still had a young glow. She stared forward as she rotated the frisbee and the metal box was zooming forwards.

I clung tighter to the seat with my paws. That metal box had a blower fitted inside it probably, and air blew directly on my snout, causing my nose to feel tickled and let out a sneeze. Achoo!!

She stopped the metal box. I saw that there were many more of them around ours, all of different colors, shapes and sizes. Woah. Every Biggie seemed to have their own metal box. Jenny never had me experience this before. She used to just take us pups and mommy out to her field in a humongous red wagon. There were no life-choking belts on that one. As all the pups used to fight away the time spent on the wagon, and we never realised how long it took us to get to the meadow.
Once we got to the meadow, we used to spend hours lying around in the sun, striding on the fresh green grass, and pushing each other into the mud. Mom used to be tired at the end of the day and she could barely stand on all fours as she used to keep chasing us so that we don't hurt ourselves amidst the play and fun. Moms are the best creatures on the planet.

When Mrs. Goodwill again pushed on the floor of the metal box and we again zoomed off, I saw all the trees that were jogging in the opposite direction. That was strange, as far as I knew, trees were patient creatures, since when did they become so health concious? I gasped as the metal box turned around the streets. I didn't know if I could hold tighter onto that death machine. Mrs. Goodwill had been kind enough to give me light pats on my head during the journey, but that gave only temporary relief.

The metal box finally came to a stop. Mrs. Goodwill pulled back the bone. She pressed a button with her thumb, and that zapped back the choking belt from her chest. Ooh, I could do that too. The belt was rubbing against my fur, and I could have gotten a scratch or two because of that annoying thing. As I put my paws forward to press that button, I felt Mrs. Goodwill's hand around my shoulders and she pressed that button for me. Thank you very much. What a great feeling to be out of that thing. She picked me up, and gave a little rub on my front. Aha, how soothing.

She pressed another button and the metal box beeped. My fur stood up on the end. These Biggies owned dangerous things. She held me in her arms and she walked towards her house. It looked big from outside. She walked on a pavement upto her front door, and I saw a beautiful garden, filled with big flowers, and short grass. I couldn't resist the sight, and I jumped out of her arms.
She let out a cry, "Isa!" And I ran out into her garden. The lawn had just been watered, and the water seeped into my paws. I rolled out of excitement in the grass. Mrs. Goodwill chuckled.
"Looks like you like my Garden, Isa!" Yes. I love your garden. It's amazing.
I smelt the big shrubs she had. I felt delighted.
The next moment, she picked me up again, and said, " I will let you play here, but let us get you some lunch first!" Yay! I was hungry anyways, I want to eat something.

We got into the house and she put me down on the floor. Her house was looking pretty aesthetic. The walls were painted a sky blue and white and it was good to the eyes. I was looking around and admiring her house, and just then, she put down a bowl which had some milk and another had a crunchy treat. I sniffed at the treat, and then licked it. Tasty. I was savoring it in no time. She gently scratched my scruff and talked to me.

"I have a son. His name is Jason. He doesn't have a friend." I was listening to her intently, while drinking some milk from the bowl. She let out a sigh.
"I don't understand, he has changed so much..." And she sobbed. I looked up at her. I put my paws on her lap and stood on my hind legs. She had covered her face with her hands and was crying.

I had to help her, I thought. But what should I do?

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