Chapter 2

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Sleeping Beauty

Note: if you're curious what house Millie, Winona and David are living in, check the picture above.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

David's low voice filled up the serene silence that the small house in the woods was shrouded in, as he stepped inside his daughter's room. His hands holding a plate with some breakfast on it including two waffles, a glass of orange juice and some crackers.

Winona following her man, while her brows lowered and her eyes were fulfilled with nothing than anger. Because she was already wishing that this day would come to an end really quickly.

A sigh leaving the woman's lips as they entered the room, and a chirping voice filled her ears.

"Oh, you made my breakfast!"

The brunette said excited, while her body lifted up from the pillows, and she ran a hand through her short, pecan hair.

Taking the plate over from her dad, as he placed it in front of her and David sat down next to his daughter.

His hand brushing over her hair, while a proud look was plastered on his face and a smile appeared around his lips. Seeing how his daughter looked with such gratefulness and excitement at the breakfast in front of her.

Millie always loved small things like these. She enjoyed them with her whole heart, they made her smile and let happiness float through her veins.

Hearing the birds chirping when she woke up. Tasting honey in her tea when her father made her a cup. Feeling how sun stripes burned on her skin as they shone through the window. Feeling the material of the pages from all the books she had read.

It were all those things that made Millie one of the luckiest persons in the world.

"And... We bought you a present."

David spoke up, after he grabbed something from behind his back.

Millie her brows raised, her brown eyes almost popping out and a wide smile appearing around her plump lips. Excitement racing through her body, because she and her parents were used to living like minimalists.

They weren't rich or anything, but besides that, there wasn't much what they really needed down there in the woods. Being used to their simple live style, and not even knowing that there were people who lived a more wealthy lifestyle than they could ever imagine.

A square package appeared from behind David's back, and as he handed it over towards Millie, her fingers brushed over the decoration paper. Only to tear it apart a second later, her eyes peeking to see what her parents (well, probably David) bought her.

'Great expectations' by Charles Dickens.

Millie lifted up her head, her lips curled up so high that a smile from ear to ear was plastered on her face.

"Mr. Levy recommended it, said it's something you will definitely enjoy."

Shawn Levy was her father's companion. Working with him at the library, and owning his own bookshop, Mr. Levy knew absolutely everything about books.

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