Chapter V

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Talking;  Y/n:  Awww -Great!

Thinking or telepathy; Acacuis:  This pie is so good!

Bold:  A/n talking or action:  *SCREECH*

Acacius POV

I was taking a nap in the black car that my new parents have while we were on our way to our new home!  They gave me a blanket and pillow to sleep with while I was sleeping in the car.  And they were nice enough to give me an "Air mattpress"- mattess- Um car bed?   But when they gave me that, I was happy that they were nice to me and took care of me...  But my never knew my real dad, he left my mama and my sister for some reason...  *Cries*  I want to see Mommy again!

Papa "(Y/n)":  Hey kid, you alright?

Me:  *Sniff* yes...

Mama "(T"):  Well do you want to talk about it?

Me:  No thank you...

Mama: Okay but me and dad can't help you if you won't tell us what is wrong- okay?

Me:  Okay-

Papa:  Well Acacius- me and Mom got to talk to someone real quick before we do anything about us moving to our new house...

Papa stopped the car and mama step out as well.  They were walking to a group of 4 big girls and started to talk to them.  They left the the car running with the AC on and I got a bit chilly so i got a blankie and covered myself over and got a pillow and i started to gnaw in the blankie.  Mama said it's a bad Habit to gnaw on blankies.  But the car started to wobble from side to side and I saw Mama looking inside at me with me looking at her...

  But the car started to wobble from side to side and I saw Mama looking inside at me with me looking at her

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Mama:  Shouldn't you be sleeping~?

Me:  *yawns*  Okay mama- *Nods to sleep*

Mama:  Awww~...

Last thing I remember was Mama putting some earmuffs over my ears so that no noise would wake me up.  Then she kissed me on the forehead and ripped off the front car door *Yawn* Jeez, Mama is strong...


Present 3rd POV

Both sides were standing still looking at the Smol Boi and before he even asked what they had- They all quickly lowered and put away their weapons...

Y/n:  Um- Acacius why are you up?  I though you were taking a nap.

Acacuis:  Well i saw you and these people out here and i wanted to see what was going on.

While Y/n was busy talking  to Acacius.  The Juggernaut quickly radioed a plane that will fly low and pick up the other fellow Juggernauts and take them back to base...  And T was giving the Huntresses a deadly mama bear look...

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