Epilogue 21

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"I'm sorry, Esme, but we can't hold back any longer, as it is we'll be cutting things really close. I know it's my fault we are leaving now instead of last night." Jesse sighs as he tries to cajole Esme out of the castle in the morning light.

"Areon and Benjamin both checked the window coverings and made sure that no light will get in. I'm sorry, I know it will be painful for you to go in the sun, but we have no choice. This isn't something that can be rescheduled."

Carlo, tired of the arguments and hold up simply picks Esme up and carries her to the waiting carriage. Santo has the door open and Desanto is already inside waiting to take Esme. Carlo gently hands her to Desanto then climbs in after her. Santo scrambles up just before Jesse who closes the door behind him.

None of them enjoy the feel of the sun on their skin. But they all understand Esme's decided lack of wanting to go out in it. They've had centuries to become accustomed to the pain, it is far worse for Esme.

Esme, angry that because of Jesse she had to suffer the pain refuses to go and sit with him. She cuddles into Desanto's lap making her displeasure towards Carlo known as well. The two snubbed males look at her sadly.

Jesse sighs in defeat. He should have been ready to go the night before, but he allowed himself to be distracted. He needed it though, tonight is something his father has waited a very long time for. This is the largest vampire gathering his incredibly long lifetime. All vampires will be there if they can possibly make it. Some have been traveling for weeks or even months once they heard the news.

The villages and cities surrounding the capital will be full as will his father's castle. And even some of the vampires that live nearby will be taking in guests to help with the overflow. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and no vampire wishes to miss it. The last time this happened was long before the vampires in the carriage were born. They are some of the oldest vampires that yet live.

Since they are leaving during daylight hours, Jesse wasn't taking any chances. His vampire guards left last night and would be next to useless during the day. "I don't see why I couldn't have gone with the guards last night. I know they would have kept me safe." Esme is still more than a little upset that Jesse wouldn't even consider it. Instead he asked Areon to send out some guards to run alongside the carriage and Benjamin will be their coachman and Areon will ride shotgun with him.

"I didn't trust them to take care of you properly." Jesse finally says sighing.

Esme sniffs, showing her thoughts on his words. "Yeah, making it so that I hurt by going in the sunlight is taking care of me. Right."

Her words bring a pang to his heart, to all their hearts. "Esme, are you still in pain?" Desanto asks his mate.

"You know I am. You all know that I am. It hurts. You promised, you all promised that the pain would only take minutes to fade away, yet it's been more than an hour and it still hurts just as bad as when the sun first touched my skin." Her quiet words make them all wince and look down in shame. She's right they can still feel the pain through her bonds.

"Feed from me, Esme that should help with the pain." Desanto cajoles his pain filled love. He holds up his arm that has her mark on it. Finding her mark she bites and they are both lost to their feelings.

It is the hissing that brings them back to the here and now. "Thank you, Desanto. I do feel better." Esme looks over to Santo. "You need to calm down, Santo, you are making every one frustrated." Santo is running his hand up and down Desanto's thigh.

"I'm sorry, Esme, but I really don't do well in small spaces for long periods of time. This helps me to calm down."

Esme looks at him consideringly then smirks, "That's not really calm. That's sexually frustrated. I can help you with that."

Then as she goes to get off Desanto he holds her to him tightly. "No."

Esme looks at him shocked. "What do you mean, no?"

"Just what he said, Esme, no." Jesse says through clenched teeth. He's on the edge right now. If Esme were to do anything to help Santo with his frustration it would send him and the others over.

Esme looks at the others with anger. "Fine, if you won't let me help him, then one of you need to do it. And by one of you, I mean either Jesse or Carlo."

Both men sigh. This is going to be one long day. Carlo goes over to his brother and kneels before him.

Esme ignores the glaring man across from her and makes herself comfortable in Desanto's lap before going to sleep. Not even the sounds Santo and Carlo are making bother her.

"Shit!" Jesse says. They can't get to his father's castle soon enough for him. Esme has found a suitable punishment for them all.

After what seems like an eternity they arrive in the capitol city and wake Esme up. By then the sun is low enough that they can remove the coverings. Esme looks at her new home critically as they ride through.

She's still not happy about having to move, but moving the capitol was not only impractical, but damn near impossible. The other supernatural people would be either destroyed or pushed out of their homes and that would destroy all Jesse's work.

Once they get to the king's castle they are taken immediately to their rooms. Or rather to their apartment there in the castle. The king had taken the time to remodel his home to accommodate the unusual relationship Jesse has not only with his mate but his brother's as well.

"You will have one hour to get ready, Esme. There is a maid waiting for you in your bathing room." Jesse tells her softly but quickly leaves when he sees her glare. 

Esme rushes to the bathing room. Only one hour to get ready and she wanted to soak for as long as she is allowed. She could easily take that long in soaking alone.

Esme joins her mates as they wait for the king to make his announcement.

As the doors open Desanto and Santo lead the way, Carlo going next and then Jesse with Esme's hand on his arm. The cheering is almost too loud as the vampires welcome their new king and his queen.

Jesse escorts Esme up the stairs where they meet the king. After they bow and make their curtsies the king lifts them up. After making a long speech he has them both repeat their vows and then places the crowns on their heads.

As the weight settles on her head Esme glares at the old vampire king who is now wearing a very happy and relieved smile. He is able to stand straighter now that the weight of ruling is no longer on his shoulders.

Then he looks at Esme's face and he hides his satisfaction and a tinge of fear makes itself known. Perhaps he'll stick around and help Jesse with the ruling for awhile, if he wants the help that is.

Jesse urges Esme to turn and face the crowd of vampires waiting anxiously below. A resounding cheer fills the crowded hall as the vampires see their new monarchs. Then as one they fall to their knees and give their oaths of loyalty.

Esme thinks over her life. Seven and a half years ago she was hated and despised, barely tolerated in her village. Now she is beloved and has four incredible men that would do anything for her. Two others that would die for her, one of which would send his people to protect and if necessary die doing so. And now, she is queen of the vampires, well, all people since the vampires have taken over, tired of the wars.

She is loved. She is content. She smiles at her people.

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