Chapter 1

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Fuck. Shit. Hell no. Damnit.


The singular piece of paper in his hand stated in bold print, " FIELD TRIP TO AVENGERS TOWER TOMORROW!"

AKA, where peter lived, ate, slept, and trained.

His own house.

His dad would most likely laugh his head off at Pyotr's situation.

Ned, on the other hand, was ecstatic. He looked like he had just been named #1 science geek. He was vibrating in his chair.

"DUDE! We're going to the Avengers Tower!" Ned almost shrieked. "Where the Avengers live!"

Peter gave him an exasperated look, wanting to scream I live there! But Tony said it was confidential. So therefore, Peter (Who's real name was Pyotr, by the way.) was forced to hide the fact that 1. he lived in Avengers tower, and 2. his father was an ex-HYDRA assasin.

Peter let his head clunk against the desk. A groan slipped out of his mouth. MJ smirked down on him. He was 99.99% sure she new something she wasn't supposed to. At least Shuri would be coming to the tower tonight. He hadn't seen her in forever. She was fun to geek out with. Last time they had created fully-functioning lightsabers.

When the bell rang, signaling the end of school, Peter picked up his bag and headed towards the door. Before he could escape, Flash appeared at the door. He put his arms out to clumsily block the doorway.

"Hey, Penis, you excited for the trip? They're gonna make me an intern the second I walk in. You're gonna be thrown out, I'm predicting. Ya'know, waste of space and that."

Peter just gave Flash a blank look. If he really wanted to, he could kill Flah with his little toe. Sadly, he couldn't do that. Pushing forcefully past him, he speedwalked down the hall, ignoring the calls of Penis, where are you going? and I'm not done with you.

Sliding down the outside stairs, Peter headed to his car, a dark silver Audi R8. Peter and his dad had tried to get something less out-there. But this was Tony. He was a Stark. His middle name was practically out-there.

Turning on the ignition, he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.


Pulling into the private garage, Peter parked his car, before moving into the elevator, to floor 96. He exited the elevator to see Clint and Sam engaging in a mario cart battle, and his папа and мама on another couch, watching the two grown men bicker over a video game.

Shucking his backpack by the door, he slunk over to his parents. He got to the edge of the couch, before turning around and flopping down on both their laps. The two ex-assasins just smiled at his antics. Natasha pushed a hand though his ever-growing mess of hair. He would have to cut it soon. Before anyone could say anything, he waved the devil-paper in their faces. Clint snatched it out of his hands and promptly fell on the floor laughing.

"You- you've got a field trip to your owN HOME!" He cackled. Peter swatted a hand at him.

This was gonna go terribly.


To say Peter was masking his internal panic was 100% true. The rest of the team had heard about his field trip. They had only said they wouldn't embarrass him because his parents were the scariest people on the team.

So there he was, sitting on an uncomfortably-sticky plastic bus seat, on the way to a field trip at his own house. Flash was sitting right behind him, so his spidey-sense was going haywire. When they pulled up to the Tower, Flash pushed him back into his seat to get out first. If he really wanted to, Flash could be dead. Peter reminded himself.

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