Chapter 3: I guess I should explain this...

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Peter sighed and pinched his nose. Shuri was still hanging on his back like a monkey. She had already ruined her 'perfect princess' reputation, so T'challa didn't even try to care anymore. Peter turned to her and whispered in her ear. "Do anything funny, and I'll drop you AND paint your personal ship with pink and brown polka-dots"

He wasn't below doing something like that. Not at all. He sighed and faced his class.

"So... uhm, these are my... Parents?" he muttered, waving a hand at Natasha and Bucky.

What. The hell. He had killed people under HYDRA without blinking. And he was stuttering in front of a group of goddamned teenagers.

"No!" quickly came Flash's rebuttal, who seemed to be asking for death. But in his own self-righteousness, he didn't notice how he had become #1 on every present Avengers' kill list. Bucky was fingering the saftey on a shotgun; Natasha was reaching for a knife; Carol's hands were sparking; and -she would most likely later deny it- Okoye's grip on her spear tightened. Peter's windpipe was starting to get crushed by Shuri, who was taking her anger out on his air supply and throat. She realized she was choking him, and released her arms a bit. The rest of the class was starting to back away from Flash. Even his goonies, who had always stood behind him and laughed, were realizing now wasn't a good time, because instead of bullying weak Penis Parker in an abandoned hallway, it was in a room full of dangerously armed Avengers who looked like they all wanted a piece of Flash's head.

Flash continued on, unaware of the growing anger in the Avengers. He began gesturing wildly, pacing back and forth on the mats.

"I mean, I could entertain the idea that he was an intern, but that's impossible. I'm not an intern. I should be. I mean, I'm Flash Thompson! The smartest and coolest guy at Midtown High! But Penis saying he's the child of Avengers? Ha. Right. Hilarious. I'm cracking up right now. I mean, what's so special about Puny Penis Pa-EEP!"

Before he could finish his sentence, a bullet from Bucky's gun came dangerously close to his nose. Fash finally stopped, and turned slowly to face the Avengers, eyes wide and face pale. You could have played the 'And that was when he knew, he fucked up' track over that moment and it would have worked perfectly.

turned to Tony, who he had apparently beaten to shooting Flash in the face. "They don't get to sue me, do they?"

Tony shrugged.

Natsha was visibly furious. She was terrifying. Flash looked like he wanted to throw himself out the window and go splat on the sidewalk.

Natasha would still burn his remains. She began to viciously swear and growl in a mix of russian, polish, and romanian. Peter didn't care to translate for the class. Natasha halted in her swearing before rounding on Flash and waving her knife in his face.

"You talk to my son again, you so much as even look at him, I will find you, and I will kill you. Slowly. Painfully. You read me?"

Peter could have sworn Flash pissed his pants. He probably did. He couldn't tell, because his mom was blocking his veiw. Flash squeaked, before a set of burly security guards came in to pull him out. Peter saw Tony nod appreciatively out of the corner of his eye.

After a few moments of silence, Carol clapped her hands, dissipating the blue energy around them. "Who wants to see some Avengers firearms?"

The spell over the class was broken, and they all moved forwards to the firing range. Peter noticed his favorite guns on one of the lane tables. Steve stepped forwards to explain what was going to happen. "Each Avenger will show you their respective weapons, and how they work. We'll go down the line so no-one has to re-do their presentation too many times."

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