part Two Chaos

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"Paperwork is a waste of a Ranger's time, and one that I should not be bothered with anymore." Halt rode next to Gilan as they returned back to Aurulean. His former apprentice had also been summoned for the report from his viewpoint, and they had decided a long-put off visit should be paid back at the cabin.
Gilan scanned the trees to their left as they rode before replying.
"But it is necessary,  you must agree. I pity Crowley,  having to deal with hermits such as yourself. All growling amd ranting they can't be bothered.."
If looks could kill, Gilan would have fallen stone dead. But he continued whistling cheerfully instead, letting Halt blow off some of his annoyance in silence.


Upon returning to the cabin and finding Halt still gone, Will settled the things he had picked up in town in their respective places, freshened the water in the vase on the table, then sat down and began giving his weapons a good going over.
His bow string was needing changed badly, and as he began threading in the new one, working the string carefully, he remembered suddenly that he had yet to have any coffee.
Perfect time for it.

It was halfway through the second cup that he began having trouble focusing. For the tenth time, Will rubbed his eyes in an effort to clear them, and tried to place the bowstring. He felt all thumbs.
He put the bow down in frustration,  and filled  his cup a little more from the pot. Halt wasn't here to stop him so he might as well enjoy it while he had a chance..this was pretty good coffee. He took a long sip and rolled it around his tongue.

It didn't matter anyways, he supposed. He had plenty of time to fix the bow before Halt came back and he had to fix lunch.  Good ol' Halt, he worried too much.

His head bobbed back suddenly with a wrench that stung, and Will realized he had nearly dozed off.
Where am I?

He stood up and knocked against the table, reeling. A vase that had been there bobbled before tipping over, the water making rivulets on the floor.
He supposed he should clean it up. Funny, he didn't know really know why though. His brow furrowed at the problem.

A horse whined suddenly, and he staggered to the window. Suddenly every nerve seemed to stretch taught as he saw figures coming across the meadow. Skandians.
They were coming for him, he suddenly remembered as a sickening feeling closed around his throat.

The Ranger's Apprentice.  Timed DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now