Part Three. To Find a Ranger

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During the time they took in unsaddling their horses and rubbing them down, Halt had found himself finally relaxing again. The grind of paperwork over at last, he could get back to the true part of being a ranger, the part he loved. There was work to be done.
"Will should have something ready to eat by now, hope he made plenty."

Tug nickered uneasily in his stall and nudged Gilan as he passed by, causing the taller man to stagger slightly.
"Hello, glad to see you too, old friend."
Absentimindedly rubbing the horses forehead he followed Halt into the cabin, nearly bumping into his back as the man stopped up short.

"Really, Halt," he began "can't you at least-what is wrong?" His voice lowered. Looking over Halt's shoulder Gilan's eyes widened at the scene before them.

The cabin was a mess. A smashed vase still dripped water down the leg of the table. Someone had also dropped a coffee mug and the cabinet door was standing open, rifled.

There wasn't any sign of Will.

Halt moved farther inside, unsheathing his saxe knife; Gilan followed  suit, leaving his sword sheathed as there wasn't room enough in the cabin. They carefully stepped through, thoroughly on the alert, but no one was to be seen.
The other rooms were empty. Will's bow was gone, his cloak and the fresh stock of arrows.
Halt's brow furrowed worriedly. "He must have taken off after whoever's been in the cabin. Is that what you make of it?"

Gilan strode to the door and studied the soft mud just outside it.

" He isn't steady on his feet though. Think he was hurt? I also don't see any other tracks." He moved over quickly, letting Halt look. The senior ranger studied them in turn, then began following them farther from the house. Then he circled the cabin. Gilan watched him knowing he would only be in the way.
Halt finally walked back and his eyes reflected the worry he was trying hard to conceal.
"It was Will who made the mess, but I don't know why."
Gilan gripped his former mentor's shoulder and spoke firmly. "We will find him."
Nodding, Halt tried to find comfort in that. But how would they find Will-that bothered him a great deal.

Meanwhile, a smaller figure was staggering as deep into the woods as he could go, fearing every shadow in the trees.

Hi all, hope you are enjoying this so far! If I'm missing anything vital or the characters are contrary to how they would have acted, please let me know!^^ this is my first try at writing on here and I would love to hear your thoughts!

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