Part 8-Reception Party

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Gilan went to fetch their horses from the stream, while Halt watched over Will. The young ranger had calmed down enough, but still slipped in and out of hallucinating; he also started becoming groggy, and Halt wanted nothing more than to get him safely back to the cabin where they could hopefully find out what had happened.

 It seemed an eternity before he heard the approaching horses, and too long before their stocky forms came into view. Shaking Will awake, Gilan helped him mount up behind Halt, where the boy sat quietly, the whole rest of the way back. Halt could tell his former apprentice had a million things to say, but he didn't want to talk right now and was thankful when Gilan remained silent. The last few hours had been an unbelievable strain, and he felt as exhausted as if he had spent all day in battle.

 He wracked his brain as they rode, trying to think back of any circumstance, no matter how small, that might give him a clue as to the reason behind this, but when the cabin came into sight he was still no nearer. And the sight of the cabin drove all drowsiness from his limbs; light streamed from the windows, and he could see several figures inside.

 Pulling the horses up, Halt motioned for Gilan. "I need you to scout it out," he jerked his head toward Will. "He's asleep again and I don't want him to panic if he wakes suddenly and finds everyone gone."

 "You aren't kidding," Gilan replied seriously. "I'll be back." Sliding off his horse Blaze, the ranger melted into the darkness.

 It didn't take long before he saw the tall form detatch from the shadows of the cabin to wave a hand that all was well. With a relieved sigh, Halt let Abelard move forward. To his surprise he recognized Crowley's horse in the stable. And a few other steeds. 

 He shook Will and helped him off the horse. "We're back." The boy's eyes opened with an effort, and his mentor frowned worriedly. He needed to know what kind of drug this was, quick. 

An arm over his shoulder, he followed Gilan into the house, pulling up short at the doorway.

 Crowley, Baron Aarold, and a few of his men jumped from their seats around the table.

 "Whatever happened to you ! We've been sending out scouts for hours now." Crowley spoke first, his eyes searching Halt's face carefully. Halt raised an eyebrow.

 "I've been on a mission, of sorts." He moved forward into the room as Gilan stepped to the side, and the commanders face tightened in concern as he saw Will. "What's wrong?"

 "Let me get him to his bed first, then talk later." 

"I'll make coffee," Gilan walked to the stove.

Ignoring the men around the table, he led Will into his room and laid him on the bunk. Closing his eyes again, Will sighed. 

"Halt." Baron Arald spoke from the doorway, watching as the man gently removed the boy's cloak and boots. When he got no response but a grunt, he tried again a little louder. "Halt, I don't think you've heard what has happened in town."

"I've been a little busy." His tone was dry, but he stood and faced the Baron. "It must be big if you all come to my cabin and try to send out search parties. What is it??"

 The man's gaze shifted. "Well, there's a wild rumor going around town that.." his voice trailed off, but he tried again, "That is, people were saying that you, that you had gone crazy."

 "Oh?. And then you called out the cavalry. Really, Arald, you know how rumors go."

 The Baron sighed. "Well then Crowley came in town and said he had stopped by your cabin on his way back in, and it was a wreck and you all were gone. So we came out here and have been trying to find you ever since."

 Halt frowned. "You said the rumor was, I was going crazy?" 

Crowley had come up to join them, and now he nodded. "Someone says they saw you at your cabin-that you were acting demented, or delusional,the way you went on-" Halt raised a hand and cut him off. His voice was low and quiet. "We need to talk, I want to know everything you heard, and from whom." 

The Ranger's Apprentice.  Timed DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now