Georgias nightmare

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Later that night ...

"G you good ? You seem to be shaking and screaming in your sleep?" Leah whispered trying to get gees attention

G jumps up and stares at Leah.
"Omg I can't do this I can't do this?!" G repeated

"G take a breathe your safe with me!"Leah remembered what Steph told her earlier about g and how she suffers with PTSD from her past. Tell her to take a deal breath and just be there for her. Steph didn't know what had happened but knew what problems g now had because of it.

"Leah I can't do this!" G carried on repeating

"Yeah you can g! Your such a talented player. Do you wanna tell about what happened or are you not ready yet?" Leah softly said whilst pulling g in for a cuddle

"No I'm sorry but I haven't told anyone and I don't trust that anyone can keep it ! So maybe another night but tonight isn't the right time" g answered, now calming down

"That's fine!"Leah said softly "now let's get you back into bed and make sure you have a good nights sleep" Leah pulled the covers back over g and made sure she was okay before heading back to her bed

"I can't! I need to message Steph! She told me I have to message her if anything happens" g said worried

"Don't worry I will message her now, you go to sleep and I will sort it I promise" Leah reassured g till there was no response as g was alseep

Leah then messaged Steph explaining what happened in the night and how or why this happened. Steph didn't reply back till the morning explaining how g gets very agitated at night as if something in her past and that Leah did the right thing.

"Morning Leah! Thanks for last night sorry I woke you! I will explain it one day I..."
Leah interrupted "you don't need to explain until your ready, which could be never but as long as you know I'm here for you that's all that matters okay?" Leah said

"Thanks. Your a great friend!" G replied looking at her phone for the time

"Shit Leah what time do we need to be at breakfast?" Leah looked at her phone and panicked as breakfast finished in 15 mins

They frantically got dressed and packed a football bag dropped it off in the changing room and ran into the canteen.

"Oi Oi , finally Leah has arrived!" Ellie roebuck laughed
"G I thought you would help her stay in time ! Guess your just as bad" Beth mead giggled

"Ye okay guys maybe I'm always late but at least I actually make breakfast" Leah laughed

"By like 3 mins to spare Leah! I don't think that really making breakfast if I'm being honest" Steph laughed looking at g and giving her a look to check if she's okay . G smiled back and went to sit by Steph

A few hours passed an training was finished. Leah and Steph pulled g as she was walking back to her room for a chat to make sure she was okay.

"Oi, g can we talk ?" Steph asked
"Ye sure" g followed the two girls to a balcony of the hotel where they watched the sun go down for a few minuets birdies someone talked

"Look we wanna see if you wanna tell us anything and we will keep it a secret but we feel it would give us a better understanding of what your going through so we can help?" Steph said smiling

" umm sure ! What do you want to know ?" G replied

"What we mean g is why you wake up in the night and why last night happened !" Leah said

"Ummm okay well basically um you know my parents are divorced and well before they were supersets , home life was really rough me and my brothers . We would watch tv when my parents would fight . Anyways they split up when I was 6 and then my mum met this new guy. We all liked him at first and he got on really well with my brothers. One night the power went off and all I heard was this bang. I rushed to the kitchen to find that this new guy had wacked  mum with a chair causing her to fall to the floor. Paul (g's brother) called 999 as my step dad tried to wake my mum back up. Btw my step dad was really abuse so he did this a lot but this was the first time I remembered it being bad. He had really bad anger issues. Every night he would put me to bed but when he was angry he would lock me in my room and if I made a sound he would throw stuff and hurt me. My brothers would try to look after me and my mum but one day it got too bad so we had to flee in the middle of the night to get away from my step dad . We ended up back at my real dads home for a few nights until we found a place to stay. But ever since then I've been scared of the dark as I think something bad is going to happen and I don't like loud noises and well, yeah that's why I woke up last night as most nights I wake up with nightmares that  it's happening again but this time we don't escape and I'm trapped in the room alone hearing my mum get hurt outside" g starts to break some in tears
Steph and Leah look at each other and reassure g .

"I know that just of been hard g but we can work around it. I will go and buy a night light for you so our room isn't pitch black. We will think of happy thoughts going to bed and maybe get you some counselling to try to fight away these back dreams and we will try to help you or protect you from loud noises that maybe trigger you." Leah said

"Thank you for telling us ."steph Hugged g and lead her back to her room.

Georgia stanways first day at camp !Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ