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As the game proceeded g wasn't switching on and was making silly mistakes she could hear her step dads voice in her head laughing at her until something bad happened.

"Omg!g you good?" Steph ran over to find Georgia on the floor not responding. A Spanish player had tackled g and because she wasn't really in the game she landed badly.Steph signaled for medical to come.

"G come on talk to me" Kei says trying to get her attention

" g don't leave me now !" Leah says

"G come on !" Ellie says running over from goal to see her best mate

"Lucy what if she doesn't wake up" kei says leaning in for a hug from Lucy bronze. Lucy held her tight and reassured that the young midfielder will be fine

Steph looked extremely worried that her younger best mate is still not responding.until finally g starts to come back around.

"Hey peeps!" G whispered weakly wondering why everyone was crying

"Georgia Marie Stanway you scared me so much!" Steph said pulling g in for a hug

"Oi don't middle name me!"g said sarcastically still speaking very weak and softly

The medical tell all the players to leave to give g some space , but Steph stays and helps her gat back up. The reason she blacked out was because of stress and the impact of shock of falling mixed together. Steph told the medical team that g needs help and that they need to call the police on her step dad because of things that he did to Georgia's family in the past!

After the game g was reunited with her rest of the fam who came and watched

"Well done on the goal little one! What was with the accident ?" Paul (her older brother) said

"It was stress as I say dave (the step dad) but Phil got him out quickly. I've told Steph and Leah everything and they have helped me so much Paul ,like they got me a nightlight and I haven't had a nightmare in 3 nights , I've actually had a full nights sleep and I feel so much better for it ! The sports phycologist has told me to go in and have a meeting with her every other day and she said she can give you and the other bros and even mum a session aswell! Trust me Paul it's all working out !" G said with a grin on her face

"I'm happy for you g ! Glad you can finally put it behind you but I'm not too sure about all this I can do it in my own way and you don't need to worry about seeing him again as he will be long gone!" Paul said with anger in his face

"That's the thing Paul anger isn't the answer and we know that because Dave used anger on us and look where it lead him ... without a family as we all had to escape . If you then repay him with anger then your giving in and your not being the bigger man. Paul promise me you will look after yourself. Maybe stay with me for a while in Manchester when I'm back and you can come training and stuff. It would be nice seeing you !" G said giving her older brother a cuddle

"Look g I understand where your coming from . And ye I would love to stay with you and make sure Olly is treating you right !" Paul said sarcastically smiling at his little sister who is comfortably placed her head on his chest and looking calm.

Georgia walks back to the changing room to find Ellie,steph , Lucy and kei standing waiting for her to come back.

"How did it go? Was Paul okay with you telling us stuff?" Steph said cuddling her little midfielder

"Ye he's fine with it all. He's going to come and stay with me and ol In Manchester for a while aswell!" G said with a massive grin on her face

"Guess you two love birds need to keep quiet for a few days whilst he's staring then !" Kei laughed

"Shut up kei , only cos you and Lucy are noisy af !" G giggled pushing kei a little as a joke

"Well your not lying!" Kei said laughing with Lucy

"Ew, come on guys let's go and move from this conversation" Ellie said as they all left the changing room

"Aww I think it's cute like Steph replied

"It's not" g and Ellie said at the same time giggling

Georgia stanways first day at camp !Where stories live. Discover now