Chapter 5

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     Right after the breeze hit him, the dead silence of the cave was gone and it was suddenly replaced by music. David knew the music almost instantly, as it was Lionel Richie. His mom always listened to his music so he knew it well. When David opened his eyes, he was back in the living room of his childhood home. He let go of Ricky's hand, and looked around. Everything looked similar to what he saw earlier in the day, but there were small differences like the music that was playing in the background.

     "Why are we here?" David asked, "I was just here."

     "You're thinking too small," Ricky replied, as he was smiling because he knew the truth. "The question isn't where we are, but when."

     "When?" David repeated, "You mean we just traveled in time?"

     "Wasn't that bad, right?" Ricky said, almost laughing at David's face.

     "So," David said as he looked around, "How far back did we go?"

     "Dad!" Ricky called out, "It's Ricky!"

     David's face was one of shock. He hasn't seen his father in over ten years, and the last time was at the old man's funeral. His heart skipped a beat and he even held his breath for few seconds as he waited for a reply.

     "Dammit Ricky!" the familiar voice called back from the kitchen. "How many times did I tell you not to travel here unless it was..."

     When David's father walked into the room, he was the exact same age David was and he stopped speaking when he realized that Ricky wasn't alone. To see him again after all these years was shocking, especially since the man that stood before him was much younger than the last time he saw him.

     "Ricky," the old man started, "Who is this man?"

     "This is David, Dad." Ricky answered, "And go easy on him, he just used the portal for the first time."

     Rather than say anything, David watched as his father walked up to him and gave him a big hug. His father then took a step back and looked over his younger son.

     "You're strong!" he complimented, "How often do you hit the gym?"

     "Not much," David honestly answered, "My job keeps me in shape."

     "I see," the elder Jones in the room said, "And what do you do, son?"

     "You didn't tell him?" David asked Ricky.

     "No," Ricky said, "I was hoping you'd get a chance to tell him yourself. All I told him was that you were not doing anything illegal."

     "The opposite, actually." David said, as he dug into his back pocket and pulled out his badge. "U.S. Marshal."

     His father looked at the badge, and then back up at his son. "I guess all those summers playing cops and robbers wasn't a phase after all."

     "Not quite," David confirmed as he put the badge away. "How is this possible?"

     David's father took a deep breath. "This really is his first time. Come with me and let's talk."

     Ricky put a hand on his brother arm, "I'm going to check up on mom. She could probably use a hand in kitchen. You talk to Dad and we'll meet back up for supper. Okay?"

     "Alright," David said, just going along with it.

     After his brother walked away, David followed his father into his den. David slowly walked inside and then took a seat in one of the leather chairs that was located in front of his big desk. As he sat down, his father held up a bottle.

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