The Soul

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Welcome to the mind of someone who's been abused. Used. Extorted. Look into the mind of someone who just wanted a sense of community, but fell in with the wrong people online. See the mind of the boy, barely old enough to know better. See the shards of a person shattered by those who took advantage of childish naivety. Know the mind of someone who never realized just how deep the scars ran until now. Feel the mind of a person who has fought for twenty years, and will fight for twenty more. Imagine the mind of a boy so twisted inside it makes him cry at night. Understand the mind of a boy, who makes sure everyone else is okay, before taking time himself to fall apart in the dead of night.

Enter the mind of someone who feels unable to make progress, yet wants nothing more than to go out and do something. Observe the mind of a boy to whom acting and being "normal" seems to only happen when everything is falling apart. If only he could've been normal when it counted, this could all be better.

Feel the mind of a boy who hides from the nightmares. The broken sounds and images that haunt his thoughts in the dead of night.

See the soul of a boy, who has had everything taken from him. Watch the light fade from his eyes every time he remembers that his time is running out. Feel his heartbeat increase as the dread and anxiety take over. Witness as he becomes a little bit less of a person again. Because no matter how much he tries to fill his soul, the cracks keep everything from being complete.

See the soul of a boy who can only watch as he feels everything slipping away. Listen to his thoughts calm as he views the future is the certainty of a condemned man.

See the soul of a boy who was born into a race of fighters. Know how he has fought for four hundred years, and will fight for four hundred more. See the fire burn as he refuses to sit down and accept what life has handed him. Witness as he demands more, and goes to war each day to keep living. See the darkness close in, and watch as through it all he keeps forging ahead. Falling, stumbling, and skinning his knees and elbows as he goes.

Feel the pain, rage, and will to do better surge in his heart. How his very being seems to immolate the air around him. The undying rage that has kept him whole for so long, drives and wounds him now.

Understand the soul of a boy, who has lost everything the future had in store, and now goes to war every single day to hold onto the last shred of good in this world he has found.

Welcome, to my soul. 

Vent BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora