Entry #5

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Club Red
3:00 am

Chance hadn't heard back from one of the girls that danced at the bachelor party. He's been asking around all day he pulled me to the side asking me the details of the things that went down that night. I hadn't had any real information to deliver to him because I only stayed the two hours I was required to stay. The worst part is that the other girls felt like I didn't have their backs because I left.

I wasn't the only dancer at the party, there were at least five other girls there besides me. It didn't make sense that they'd blame me when I wasn't there when she went missing. There were a lot of strange things going on at that party "Everyone" was high and I don't mean off weed. During a private dance, one of the guys offered me ecstasy "to loosen up a bit" but I declined.

The business had to go on so we continued to work while Chance worked on finding her, I really did feel bad. I hope nothing bad happened to her.

I had my own issues going on my mom was leaving for Arizona and as soon as her insurance finished up her paperwork, I had the money to pay for her treatment.

Kyle is still acting out he won't tell me what going on with him Noah and I have both tried talking to him but it's no use.

" Muse, meet me in my office," Chance said.

I followed him upstairs to his office he instructed me to take a seat he sat across from me I waited for him to speak.

" I must say you've gained a lot of popularity from my highrollers Muse I want to offer you a proposition," he said.

I was taken a pack a bit but I was almost scared to ask about this offer.

" What's you offer Chance?" I asked.

He shifted in his chair a bit " I want you to be the face of my company, I like your image and reputation among the members" He said.

" The face? what does that actually mean?" I asked him.

He smiled as if I just said the magic word " One night a week I want you to host a special event for prestige members only" Chance said.

I mean that sounds simple enough but it has to be a catch so I waited for him to speak again.

" My idea is to capitalize off your popularity since you won't fuck any of them we'll hold an auction and the highest bidder takes you out," he said.

" a date you mean in the club right?" I asked.

He shook his head " No, outside I want you to let these men wine and dine you give them a fantasy and leave them wanting for more" He said.

" Look, think it's a bad idea I much rather separate my work life from my personal life," I said.

" There has to be something you want... I pay you $20,0000 for just one hosting" he said.

$20,000! is more than what I need to get Mom her treatment but then again I will be playing with fire. Who's to say these men won't come looking for me I rather not play with fire plus I am already keeping secrets from Noah and my family I can't add any more lies on my plate.

" I'm sorry, Chance I'm okay with just lapdances," I said.

He looked upset but he dismissed me one thing was for sure he was asking for more than what I am willing to give I know I can't do this much longer before the line of work changes me. One thing is for sure I'm gonna get the money to send Mom to Arizona and once I've saved enough money I can quit dancing.

Closing time...

It's 4 am and I cannot wait to go to bed I had to catch up on studying for my classes I decided to complete my classes online. I switched out of my stripper clothes tucked my duffle bag with my money under my seat and headed home once I arrived home I saw Noah sitting on the sofa he looked worried.

" Is my mom okay?!" I panicked.

He nodded " Your mom is fine, I just needed to talk to you," he said.

My heart dropped I sat next to him worried he held my hand looking at me with a serious look.

"These last few months have been perfect I just have this strange feeling.. after you took this new job things just feel different," he said.

" what do you mean Noah?" I asked him.

" I just want us to be able, to be honest with each other because I want to take our relationship to the next level and the only way we can do that is by telling the truth," He said.

I swallowed hard " I am telling the truth," I said.

" So, the strange working hours.. the money you've been getting Cyn you don't have to hide anything from me," he said.

The lies just roll off my tongue so easily now it's scary I am becoming just like my father, I looked Noah in the eyes and I lied.

" Cyn, your mom told me about her treatment why didn't you tell me you needed the money?" He asked.

" I didn't wanna ask you for that type of money," I said.

He touched my face and kissed me so softly " You, can ask me for anything Cyn I'll pay for your mom's treatment" he said.

" I can't ask you for that kinda money it's too much Noah" I pleaded.

Noah looked me in the eye " Nothing, is too much for my girl, and don't worry about the money I'll do anything to keep your mom alive you and Kyle both need her" Noah said.

I kissed him holding him tight " Noah, I love you," I said catching myself off guard.

" I love you too Cynthia," Noah said.

The next morning...

I got myself together to make breakfast for Kyle I made waffles and eggs with fruit and orange juice. Kyle and Noah set across from each other at the table I fixed them both plates and we said grace. Kyle seemed to be in good spirits this morning.

" So, do you wanna talk about what happened yesterday?" I asked him.

He looked at me then looked at Noah and he put his eyes down to his plate.

" some, of the kids on the team, made fun of you," He said.

Both Noah and I were surprised " What did they say, Kyle?" I asked him.

" They said you were letting coach smut you out and they said your sister is a ho," He said.

A fly could have flown right in my mouth because my jaw-dropped kids are so damn nosey Noah interjected because I was speechless.

" Kyle, don't listen to those kids nobody is smutting your sister out I love your sister," Noah said.

Kyle didn't say anything " I'm sorry, I know that was embarrassing but I just want you to know that your sister is an adult I just want you to focus on school and basketball okay," I said,

Kyle nodded eating his food " I like Noah so I don't care if he's your boyfriend" he said.

I took the plate and the boys went to watch tv but before they switched the channel a photo caught my attention.

I'm A body was found this morning in the LA River twenty-three-year-old nightclub dancer Lakeshia Summer was found dead investigators are not ruling out foul play. If have any information please contact the authorities.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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