chapter 3

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Right now i’m on my way back to Chicago. Amar explained to me what i have to do while i’m in Dauntless compound and he is about to explain what is happening right now in Chicago. “ So right now there are no factions in Chicago and Evelyn Johnson became the leader of Chicago but she is planning of having the factions back but with different rules.” “So how many days should i leave until i can see To-Four.” “ Well before you meet you better write him a letter but don’t tell him from who it is and by looking at how eager you seem to meet and talk with four i should say about a week so you can  settle down.” We stay silent until we arrived at the gates. Before i hop off the truck i feel an arm grabbing my hand “and the last thing before you go, be careful Tris because this city is not safe forever ” and with that he relases his grip from my hand and i jump off.

In Dauntless compound

When i entered the compound I see a woman  coming towards me. “ May i help you with something Ma-am?” “ i was sent here to stay here and they told me that you knew about me.” “ Sure what is your name?” “ Tris Prior” “ oh yes Tris prior you are staying in appartment 46 ( see what i did there). I take the keys and go to my appartment. While i unlock the door of the appartment i re-think the words that Amar told me ‘ this city is not safe forever ’. what does he mean by that? is something else going to happen? Suddenly the door unlockes and i go in and i go to the first room i think of. The bedroom. When i go in my bedroom i realize that there a quote on the wall ‘Fear god alone’. Then i realise that Tobias’ room had the same quote. I look around my new appartment and notice that they are the same things that Tobias had in his room and then I realize that his apartment was also number 46. I just can’t believe that I am in Tobias’ apartment.

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