Hostile Mob Headcanons: Killer Bunny

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Spawnable only via commands nowadays, the killer bunny is a strange creature. You created it, expecting a fierce new best friend. A protector. A helper. A guide.

You stood there, waiting, begging, a carrot in your hand, and it saw your gift. You locked gazes, fierce and fiery and wonderful, and inched closer to your new pet. And it saw you, and, red eyes burning with hatred, it leaped at you, and then you hit the ground. For a split second, everything is black.

You didn't know what hit you, even though it's quite obvious. One strike, two strike, three, it killed you, your corpse sinking into the dirt below, a puff of white smoke clouding around you to let you vanish unseen.

Your eyes are still trained on the rabbit's, one thought prevailing in your shaking mind:



- Killer bunnies are a subspecies of rabbit. Most of them are white because of the biome they were most commonly found in (mountains and taiga), though some are just albino.

- Did I say are? I meant were. Killer bunnies are extinct, because, once illagers realized what a threat they were, huge hunting missions were sent out to wipe them out. Older ravagers were often scarred terribly by these tiny beasts, and some still have their fear of rabbits (though most have gotten over it).

- When a killer rabbit is summoned via commands, it's not a real killer bunny. You just corrupted an innocent albino rabbit using some strange magic that few players know how to use.

- Killer rabbits would typically eat anything, from chickens to sheep to foxes and wolves, but if food was extremely scarce, they would resort to cannibalism. They were pack hunters.

- Killer rabbits usually lived in warrens of five or less.

- If cannibalism was chosen, they would seek out a neighboring warren first, in a procedure similar to a raid. They didn't care if the inhabitants were rabbits or killer bunnies; they would be eaten.

- If no neighboring warrens were around, they'd eat the oldest or weakest member. This was only done in times of extreme scarcity.

- They were quite prone to rabies, though when it was noticed, it was almost always too late to try and save the rabbit. Illagers, villagers, and players just assumed that that was how the bunnies always acted.

- Villagers would panic at the sight of killer bunnies, and continue to tell stories about them to the village children long after their extinction. "If you don't behave, the player will summon a killer bunny to eat you!"

Witches would sometimes keep killer bunnies as pets in small cages, though that was very rare.

- Killer bunnies would sometimes eat carrots, ferns, or grass, but only if they were desperate, and only if there was no meat nearby. They simply couldn't sustain themselves on plants.

- Killer bunnies were no more savage than any other animal; they simply recognized players as predators and seeked to kill before they were killed.

- They weren't the smartest animals; they were only slightly more intelligent than your average rabbit.

- They had coarse fur, unlike a normal rabbit's softer pelt. Hardly anyone with a brain would want to use killer bunny fur for anything.

- Melanism was pretty much nonexistent among them.

A/N: Another chapter has been finished (sorry for the wait!). Next come silverfish, then slimes, then witches.

Sorry this chapter was so short, but I've never really thought about killer rabbits often, to tell the truth.

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