The Fright Before Christmas

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"Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas, Mikey." Sam said.
"You!? Are being cheery!? It's a trap!" The boy said before running away in fear.
"What's with him?" She asked.
"What's with you?" Danny grumbled.
"Aw perk up, Danny. I know you're in your annual holiday funk,but this is the one time of year Sam isn't instantly dour." Tucker said.
"Have a kicking kwanzaa!" She said as I cringed.
"And the one time of year I can bust out the Foley mistletoe beret... hello there miss, how about spreading a little Christmas cheer?" Tucker said as he puckered his lips and the dog licked him. I looked over at Danny and pulled him out of the way of shoppers only to get pushed into me.
"I hate the holidays!" He exclaimed as I frowned sadly.
"I don't get it. How can anyone hate this time of year? I don't even celebrate it, and I love it." Sam said.
"That's right, you don't know about the fight." He frowned looking over at Maddie and Jack fighting over whether or not Santa is real.
"If you need me, I'll be in the Ghost Zone... getting rid of some frustration. He said before leaving and somehow coming back as if he never left.
"On the day before Christmas, in Amity Park, almost all were cheery, yet one soul was dark." A voice said.
"Hey, I know that voice. It's that ghost- who's book I destroyed! Wait, I'm trapped in his poem? Now I'm really annoyed!" Danny said.
"Danny Fenton hates Christmas. He hates it a lot. Which is why I've inserted the boy in this plot. He'll go through this tale till the story has ended..." the ghost writer said.
"But you can't make me rhyme." Danny said to the sky.
"Hope your New Year is splendid!" Sam said as I hid a grin.
"You would be quite surprised what I can and can't do. But I'll leave you your freedom so I can teach you... when you lash out at others, there's enmity earned." The ghost writer rhymed.
"You're stuck in this poem until your lesson is learned." I finished sarcastically.
"It's always a lesson with you Mr. Ghost, when will you learn that you shouldn't boast?" I asked as Danny sighed.
"Who are you talking to, Danny?" Tucker asked.
"Said Tucker, confused." The ghost narrated.
"Some annoying ghostwriter. We're all being used! I blew up his story." Danny started.
"No hint of remorse." The ghostwriter said.
"Now he's writing a new one, we're trapped in by force!" Danny yelled.
"But Tucker and Sam merely shrugged in confusion, completely convinced by my ghostly illusion." The ghostwriter said.
"Has he always been moody and glum in December?" Sam asked as my mind rhymed everything with December.
"A big whiney scrooge, long as I can remember." Tucker rhymed. "His very first Christmas when he was a baby, a bad first impression, no if, but, or maybe. His parents debated in Santa's existence, forgetting their son might have need of assistance. Caught up in their rift of that jolly, old fellow, they didn't see Danny's white Christmas turn yellow. And the one 4 years later was clearly no winner. Still arguing Santa, they spoiled Christmas dinner. By spoiled, I should say brought the turkey to life. Swearing blood and revenge with fork and knife." Tucker said.
"I've said it before, and I'll say it again: a sled cannot travel the globe at mach 10." Maddie yelled.
"But Jack Fenton bellowed..." The ghostwriter said.
"You're wrong! Wrong, you hear?!"
"And never once thought he'd be spooking the deer. And just because this would annoy him the most, I decided to make every reindeer a ghost."

A/N There's more to this episode, obviously, but I might come back to it closer to Christmas. Sorry!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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