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Patty looked at his hands. They looked like his, but there was something off about them. Was it just the lack of blood under the skin, or was it something else? Something in his gut telling him that this wasn't his body...

He didn't dwell on the thought. Something else was twisting inside him. An unfamiliar but deep, sickening need.

Patty picked a direction and started walking, hoping to clear his head. He knew that the wind was freezing, but it felt more like the cold was inside him, mingling with that awful hunger.

Keeping track of time was easier like this. He was aware of the sky getting lighter and, eventually, darker, though his body didn't seem to notice. He didn't ache or get tired, his bare feet didn't hurt or bleed when he stepped on sharp rocks. The feeling of his body not being his returned.

He didn't want to hurt anyone, despite what that dark feeling told him, but he didn't know how long he could stand to exist like this. Like a ghost.

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