Frog Prince

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The house is really big, i can't call it a house if i compare it to what we have. The house where i was told to be born. We owned it before my mother and I were forced to leave. I don't really understand it but my mom said we don't have any money to pay them.

My foreign father left us when i was 4 and never came back. I was hoping that he will appear when our things were thrown outside our so called house. Our neighbors are looking and Nobody helped us and my father never came.

My mom and I slept in the street for three days until we meet Aunt Dalia. My mother's cousin. Even though This is my first time to see her, my mother tells a lot of stories about her. In this way i know her, She is also her best friend.
And now we are hoping to stay in this house, no a castle.

Mom said it is not right to talk when adults are talking unless they ask you questions. But mom didn't say I can't listen. Aunt Dalia said Sir Barry and Miss Yaya are good people. And that they  are looking for another house maid.
I want to say i can also help. I can help in the kitchen. I know how to cook. Then
I saw Sir Barry and Miss Yaya's big picture hanged to the wall as we pass through their very big living room.  Sir Barry must be the king and Miss Yaya is the queen. I smiled looking at their picture.

I hold my small bag tightly, am afraid to touch something and break it. They might not allow us to stay here. I want my mother to be comfortable. I have not yet seen her sleep for several days.
Then Aunt Dalia said, they are on their way back. They've visited Sir Barry's parents. Probably from another castle.
We've waited in the kitchen and Aunt Dalia served as the best tasting Tom Kha Kai and Khao Pad.

My mother cried. We have not eaten for a day.

Then we heard an approaching car.
"They are here" aunt dalia said.
My mother immediately wiped her tears and smiled at me.
I smiled back at her, both of us are nervous. I can tell. In that instant i prayed in my mind to let them have us.

We were told by aunt dalia to freshen up.  Sir Barry and Miss Yaya needs to rest for a while. While we were in the kitchen, a man who was smiling went inside the kitchen. I hide behind my mother. I've heard Aunt Dalia introduce the man named Wily.

P'Wily is cheerful and looks at me to ask my name. I replied, Fahlada.

Then we were called to go to the living room. Then I saw them, it was like a dream. They are so real and really gorgeous.

Aunt Dalia introduced us to them and partly told our story. Both were surprised at what happened and when they said we can stay, both my mom and I cried silently.
Miss Yaya smiled and went to my mother. She embraces her.
Then she kneels in front of me and said, "Fah, treat this as your home. You and your mom. How old are you?" Said the queen. She smells so good and very beautiful up close. " I answered "9 miss yaya" she smiled, "almost the same age as my Henry. He is now ten. I also have a daughter, her name is Cattleya, she is four and is sleeping. I hope you can be friends with them." I smiled and nod, "yes miss yaya"

Then someone came in, shouting and running towards Sir Barry and Miss Yaya... "Henry, do you really need to shout?" I see Sir Barry chuckles.
"What happened to you? Where did you go? I told you to change your clothes. By the way Urai, this is my son, Henry." Please bear with him." She added.

Aunt Dalia, asks Henry come to her to take a bath. Then he looks at me. My heart beats fast. Then he asks my name, my voice was lost and my mother answered for me. Her name is Fahlada. You can call her Fah.
Henry smiled. I still can't speak and still looking at him. then he said, "can we be friends?"
I nod. Then i've seen the most gorgeous smile. Then he holds my right hand, i know my hands are cold. "If you are my friend, please take care of alfred" and places the ugliest frog i've ever seen on my hand.
I screamed at my loudest.

That is how I met my Frog Prince.

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