Lion's Den

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"Khun phra chwy! They were never like this a few months ago!" As if he is running out of breath while swimming in the kid's pool. Hans is riding on his shoulder and Frank's backriding him. Since the pool is shallow, his position was kneeling and moving around the pool.

Fahlada keeps on smiling as she sees the struggle of Chatri playing with the boys in the pool. "Are you okay? " she said to Chatri. "Boys, come on over. Swimming is over. Uncle Chatri is already tired."

Frank peeking on Chatri's shoulder, and said "are you uncle? Can we do again for another 10?" Meaning another round of counting 1 to 10.
Chatri can't do anything.

"Boys your towels are here. Make sure to come up after counting 10 okay?"
Her advise seems to be ignored by the boys and just as she return to her sun lounger she heard her name being called.

"Fah? Fahlada?"

By reflex she looks for the person who called her. To her surprise, it's Ms Kylie.
Khloe's mom and aunt to Cat.

Fahlada paled.

"It's you. I knew it. How are you?"

"Am doing fine Ms Kylie"

"I've heard from Cat and Khloe that you are in Norway, when did you return?"

"Yes I am, just got back to help Aunt Dahlia"

"So I've heard. I was able to visit her restaurant once."

"Madam, your car is already here" informed by the valet.

She said her thank you but returned her attention to Fahlada.

"I just had my meeting and I'm running to another one in Marriot but I love to talk with you. I missed you. Our family misses you"

Fahlada just smiled. It made her feel guilty. She and her mother were treated kindly by this family and can't talk anything against them. Ms. Kylie, just like Ms Yaya are very fond of her. They never failed to give her something after their trips.

"Oh right, maybe you should join our family lunch tomorrow in my place"

"Thanks for the invite but..."

"Oh no you don't but-I-am-busy me reason. It's been a long time. I know Yaya and the girls will be surprised if I brought you there."

Fahlada was surprised for cutting her off.

"Oh wait, are you with someone? Are you married?"

"No I'm not"

Kylie smiled. "Good, I'll see you tomorrow then. Also tag Dahlia."

Fahlada was just to say thank you when..

"Mommy, mommy... " said the two kids running towards her. Fresh from the pool and wet all over but with their towels on. Both embraced her legs.

Kylie was surprised.

Fahlada almost failed to speak.

"Your kids?"

Fahlada remains silent. The boys are looking at her. Whatever the situation is. She will not deny her boys.

"Yes Ms Kylie, boys say hi to Ms Kylie."

"Hi Ms Kylie, I am Hans and this is my twin brother Frank"

Fahlada knows her boys got the attention of Ms Kylie.

She bends down as if looking at them intently and smilingly she said, "I just invited your mommy to lunch, do you want to come too"

Without hesitation,  both boys answered "yes Ms Kylie"

She is so proud that her boys are respectful but prayed that just this once they applied what they've been answering her for sometime, to say "no" . How she loves to hear it from them at this moment.

She stood up and gave Fahlada a hug. "See you tomorrow okay? I'll be preparing some crabs"

"Yum" said Frank

"Mommy we go" said the other twin

"Yes Ms Kylie" she answered.

And off Ms Kylie went to get her car.

"Oh my goodness boys!" Chatri shouted.

" I was looking for them all over the pool area. After I put some towel around them and about to fix our things the next thing I know they are nowhere to be found!"

"Boys, you should have told your uncle Chatri where you are going. Next time don't do that okay?"

The boys just nodded, "yes mommy"

"What happened?" He asks.

"We just got invited to Lion's Den."

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