Just Like That

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“Edgar, let us drop Fahlada and the kids at the Condo.”

“Yes Sir”

Henry is pissed, immediately after his wedding his Engineering Head called and informed him about the delays in the re-modeling of his house. He bought 5,000 hectares of land and build a house in the middle of it East of Pattaya. Supposed to be today is their date of transfer. So when he drop Fahlada and the kids he went directly to the place to assess the situation.

“Sir, the water line from the kitchen and garden was hit while we were removing the scaffolding, the kitchen flooded but currently everything is under control.”

“Did somebody got injured”

“None Sir”

“that’s good” from the looks of it, in his assessment it will take almost a week to finish the mess.

“What’s the plan to fix this?”

“Will get additional manpower Sir and double up the activity in this area” pointing the garden outside the kitchen.

He nodded, “better check the main piping, it might be affected. The impact is quite hard”

“I understand Sir”

“I am estimating four days for you to complete these, can you do that?”

“Yes Sir.”  He surveyed the place. Nobody from his family knows that he purchased the land beside their family state. The land he bought after earning from his first big project three years ago. The land he always wanted to own where the pomegranates grows. Luckily, when he heard from Edgar that the land was placed for sale, in less than a day, the land was under his name. He can do a lot with the land. This placed a smile on his face, Fahlada will be surprised. Hopefully the boys will like the spring and the trees that surrounds the area. Just like his mother, his wife loves to garden. Wife. He now has a wife and twins.

He personally planned the remodeling of the house and only took him two weeks to make it child friendly.  From garden, garage, bath to bedrooms. He is known to be meticulous at work, and he tripled it up for his family.


Just like that, Henry drops them at his condo after their wedding. She felt like they were endorsed as baggage to the receptionist to be delivered to his penthouse. he left without saying anything and looked so pissed. They were silent during their 30 minutes ride.

The view was grand, they can see the Pattaya Beach front. Her sons were ecstatic when they learned that this is where their daddy lives unmindful of their current situation.

“Mommy, are we going to live here for a long time?’ asks Hans

“We have to ask your daddy”


“Mommy, where is our room?” asks Franz

“That we have to find out. Do you want to look around?”

The boys look up to her and nod their heads.

If their arms are not on casts, the boys would literally run around and her shouting reminding them of not moving to much because they might break something. But this never stops them to move here and there.

They check the place and found out that the penthouse is composed of a gym, library/study room, entertainment room, master bedroom, 5 guest rooms, 3 maid’s quarters, (all rooms has their own baths) living room and a luxurious untouched kitchen.  Typically, a bachelor’s cave. surrounded by floor to ceiling glass windows, furniture are all black and white.

The boys choose the room besides their daddy’s and settled their luggage. The boys decided to watch a Netflix movie in the entertainment room while she prepares their dinner. She decided to do Norwegian dumpling soup and fried chicken for their dinner.

Their day ends with her being married and left inside a luxurious tower. So much for a fairytale ending. Just like that. 

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