Your the teacher

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I wanna change the cover to this, should I?(Also yes, it must be Australia, he's my favourite)

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I wanna change the cover to this, should I?
(Also yes, it must be Australia, he's my favourite)

Oh and I drew the image

So this one didn't fit the title:

You're the teacher, you had to leave the classroom, what happens when you get back/while you're gone? Who's the country that's the main cause and what did they do?

Aries: While you were gone America stood up, yelling how he wanted freedom. He convinced everyone to protest against anything you say. The principal had to be called and America got four Friday's in detention, but you gave the students more time to relax.

Taurus: While you were gone UK's cup fell onto the floor, spilling all of his tea. When you came back you saw France comforting UK as he bawled his eyes out and him just repeating 'my tea, my young tea'. You excused U.K. For the rest of the day, giving him some advice to see a therapist.

Gemini: While you were gone Russia  pulled out a bottle of Vodka. When you returned he was passed out on the floor. His dad and an ambulance were called, Russia ended up fine.

Cancer: While you were gone something went down with South Korea and America. When you returned you found South Korea strangling Ame, he was yelling 'SAY IT AGAIN, I DARE YOU!' And you could faintly hear America say 'K is short for ok, pop is short for grandpa, this means K-pop is Ok Boomer' A nurse was called, but South received a gold star from you.

Leo: While you were gone Canada started offering out maple syrup. When you came back you found Canada offering you some Maple syrup, you look around and see that everyone else has a new table decoration, you smile and accept the gift. No one was called, but you had another Maple syrup bottle.

Virgo: While you were gone New Zealand and Australia got into a fight. New Zealand was angry because Australia's never going to give New Zealand the win. Both argued about who owned Pavlova. A Geography/History teacher was called but the feud continued.

Libra: While you were gone Spain decided that enough was enough. He got up and taught everyone how to dance. When you returned all the students were having a blast dancing in their own unique ways on their makeshift dance floor. You let the students continue until the bell rang. They worked hard and deserved that time off. Spain's not in any trouble.

Scorpio: While you were gone France and Britain kissed. No one was called.

Sagittarius: You came to school on Saturday, shut up.

Capricorn: While you were gone America threw a chair out the window. Why did he do that? Because spiders are scary af. Principal was called. 

Aquarius: While you were gone students started acting out. Mexico stepped up and got them to stop. 

Pisces: While you were gone Germany yelled. There was no reason. He just yelled. Gotta release that stress.

Sorry I didn't upload for a long time. On an unrelated note to my disappearance, my Grandpa died on Thursday morning.


ahahaha. While you were gone Australia started heating up, his leg burst into flames as he started choking on black goo that had no origin, in a panic his animals came to his side, scaring most of his classmates, the few who weren't scared of the animals weren't able to help Aussie due to the burning. When you came back a 3/4 of your class was in a tight bundle in the corner, holding onto each other for dear life, 1/4 were trying to figure out what to do and Australia was in the middle of the classroom, passed out. Parents, Animal wildlife and triple '0' (the Australian emergency number) were called. Australia was hospitalised for a week, he claimed that this wasn't the first time it's happened before. (I put a lot of effort into this one.)

That was originally for Capricorn... I don't wanna remove it.

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