Exhaust: 26

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OMG guys we did it!!!!! WE MADE IT TO 100k!!!! 😭😭

I can't believe it!!! You're all so incredible and amazing and I cannot thank you enough ❤️❤️

I love you all from the bottom of my heart!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Special dedication to the angel @uwubridget for the amazing book cover!! 😍

Enjoy the chapter!!!


I see their car long before we even reach the gate. It's another black SUV, telling me they didn't drive here on their own. That's not surprising, though. They're far too extravagant to drive their own cars.

I don't know why they came here, but they're not coming in. We're not letting them past the gate.

Oliver doesn't want them here. He doesn't want them anywhere near himself or his friends, and definitely not me. He's made that very clear. After what his father did to us, how he tore us apart and dragged Oliver away from me, there's no saying what he would do this time.

I may hate Stefan Ferrari, but the feeling is mutual.

As we approach them, the couple steps out of the car. They clearly understand we're not going to let them in, otherwise, we would've just opened the gate instead of taking the golf cart all the way out.

I can't make out their facial features just yet, but I can make out Stefan's thick mustache just fine. Oliver's lucky he looks more like his mother. She's beautiful, but his father just looks like a wrinkled old raisin. He did get his curls though, and the bushy eyebrows, but they look much better on Ollie.

Stacey is wearing a stylish red jumpsuit and six-inch heels. They're gold, perfectly matching the bling she's wearing. She loves to accessorize. I don't think I've ever seen her leave the house without at least earrings and a necklace. I've only ever seen her in magazines and the media, though. Oliver's shown me a few pictures, too, but I've never seen her in person.

She looks like a Kardashian. She's intimidatingly confident, her hair flowing loosely over her shoulders. She must have someone to do her hair and makeup every day, just like Kim does.

The golf cart comes to a halt just outside the gate. Oliver takes a moment before he gets out, glancing my way. I give him a reassuring smile.

"it's going to be fine," I tell him. "We're going to tell them to leave, and go back to unpacking, okay? No biggie."

"Are you nervous?" he asks me. I run my fingers through his curls. He always manages to surprise me. He still manages to show concern for me, even though it should be the other way around.

"Not really," I admit. I don't feel the need to impress them or flatter them at all. Maybe Stacey a little, but definitely not Stefan.

"Good," he gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Let's get this over with then."

We step out of the cart, parting our hands only to reunite at the front of the vehicle. I give his hand a tight squeeze, making sure he knows I'm here.

Maybe I should've gotten changed before we came down here. I'm in yoga pants and my old NYU hoodie. Ollie's in sweatpants, a direct contrast from his neatly clad father.

We were late this morning. We were meant to meet the others at the estate at 7, but we didn't show up until 8. We couldn't help it, though. I can't get my hands off Oliver when he's sweatpants. He just looks so good in them. It's dangerous.

This isn't the time to perv on my boyfriend, though. I'll have to save that for later. Right now, I need to be there for him. I need to face his parents.

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