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The fated day finally dawned upon me and the girls, the day we would throw our huge party, and we were lucky that Chapayev and Avrora had convinced us to do some shopping the night before to make sure we were well stocked. The entire base is going to become the likes of a mosh pit when this party gets down and I'm just hoping that nothing too crazy happens. That's when I get a letter from one of my fellow komandirs and when Rossi and I look over it, it surprises us.

"Inviting the sirens to the party?" I ask.

"They did give us our rigging, and they really seem to like our vodka." Rossi replies. "And they've been very friendly with us, I don't see why not."

"But wouldn't that be suspicious though, inviting aliens that everyone sees as the enemy to a party like this?" I ask.

"Which is why only this base gets to throw down." Rossi chuckles. "Lighten up a little bit! We managed to get on the good side of the almighty alien race! Plus it would be kinda funny to see them completely wasted or burning their throats on the vodka."

"I guess I can't argue with that." I chuckle back as everyone pitches in to help prepare for the party and a message is sent to the sirens saying they're allowed to drop by for the party. Unsurprisingly when the time comes to evening a siren ship emerges from a portal of some sorts and it docks. It looks much different than a normal siren ship as it looks much less menacing on the outside- from a distance it could be mistaken for a normal ship if it weren't for the purple glow that it was giving off. "Looks like they upgraded their ships somewhat."

"They are sirens. What would you expect?" Rossi says as a group of elite sirens and many lesser ones emerge from the ship. They all share very similar features, namely white hair, black mechanical outfits and yellow, blue or pink eyes. The head honcho of the group approaches us and she looks vastly different from the other sirens we've encountered as she has lilac eyes and a fairly revealing white dress.

"I don't think we've met before have we?" I ask. "Can I assume you're the leader?"

"You may call me Empress." The siren replies. "You have assumed correctly. I am the leader of the sirens, and I appreciate the northern hospitality you've shown us."

"You showed it to us when we offered the truce, it's only fair we do the same." I say.

"I also love a good party night. For us sirens that is so rare." Empress replies. "So we couldn't possibly turn down an opportunity like this. Do you still have that vodka?"

"The northern union is known best for it." I chuckle. "Try not to get yourself too drunk."

"We sirens have a higher tolerance than normal, I think I could go through a lot before I could see myself getting tipsy." Empress chuckles back.

"And I see you've been performing upgrades on your weaponry." I say, looking at the strange purple electricity that sometimes races around the ship.

"We've managed to harness the energy from our portals and used it to power our ships, something I never thought was possible until Beta here did the unthinkable." Empress says.

"I tried creating a mini portal, and I accidentally made it inside a dormant production model." Beta says. "And then it actually worked, even better than the other ones, so here we are."

"Well color me impressed, you're more creative than we are, and we use just about anything at our disposal to improve our riggings." Rossi chuckles.

"I can assume you've traded blows with all of my girls have you not?" Empress asks.

"I have." I reply, picking out Beta, Alpha, Purifier and just about all of the lesser sirens that showed up for the party. "They are certainly formidable opponents."

"Thanks! That's a lot coming from you!" Purifier chuckles. "Now enough talk, where's it all going down?"

"Come to our base, it's big enough for the whole place and then some!" I chuckle as Rossi and I lead the sirens to the party where it's just starting. The aliens synchronize into the massive party fairly well, striking up friendly conversation with some of my fellow komandirs and even taking part in some of the games that have been set up. Only a few minutes pass before the party hits full swing, and everyone is occupied, save for me. I have simply been looking around and acting like a wallflower, and then I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Come on komandir, are you just going to stand around and do nothing?" Empress asks. "I'd like to see how good your aim is."

"Are we doing beer pong?" I chuckle as I'm led by Empress to a beer pong table where Purifier, Alpha, Chapayev and Avrora are ready to spectate.

"We're forgoing the ice for this one, let's see if you can handle the burn of your own beverage!" Empress chuckles.

"You're on!" I chuckle back. Eventually more come around to see the showdown between me, one of the best komandirs, and the head siren as we toss away. Only a few tosses have been made before I manage to land one. "Alright, bottoms up for you!" Empress doesn't even say anything as she takes the cup and downs it in a matter of seconds. She then tosses the plastic cup off to the side before coughing harshly.

"Wow! I forgot how strong this stuff is!" Empress says between coughs. "It really burns!"

"I know!" I reply as the game continues, and this time Empress lands a shot. As soon as I take the ball out I down it just as fast as the head siren did, and not unlike her I start coughing thanks to the vodka burning my throat. "I can still keep going! I can assure you I'm going to win this one!"

"Not if I can help it!" Empress taunts as we stare each other down and continue playing.

Comrades of The North: Party All NightWhere stories live. Discover now