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Another day had passed and there was nothing really to do. Fortunately- or rather unfortunately- the same civilian from before came knocking on our front door again, this time with a stolen newspaper from the Royal Navy. He passed to us and left quickly as he arrived, and I decided to hand it over to Rossi, not bothering to look at the cover picture. I see her look at the cover picture and then immediately spit out her vodka.

"Another one?! I swear these people are jumping to conclusions again!" Rossi shouts.

North Union girls spotted with strange new weaponry. People further assume siren activity

"Again?!" I ask.

"What do you mean again-oh... Another one huh?" Gangut asks, not as surprised as before. "At this point I don't really care what the world thinks of us. Let's just see if this one passes over as easily and maybe the reporter will realize that something's just not right."

"Hopefully that's the case." I reply. Before I can say anything else though Tashkent comes running to us, and she slips. I catch her, breaking her fall, before helping her stay stable and looking at her. "What's up? You look like you've seen a bear."

"We just got a letter from the royals..." Tashkent replies.

"...Say what?" I ask, not able to believe what I just heard, and Tashkent hands me the letter. I open it and scrutinize it before looking at Rossi.

"What did they say?" Rossi asks.

"It seems like they doubt the claims and they want to pay a visit just to make sure that the reporter wasn't going nuts." I reply. "This could be our chance to smooth everything over."

"When are they coming?" Gangut asks.

"In a day or so." I reply. "At least according to the letter. They say a trio of carriers is going to visit, not sure why they specified that."

"There's only one trio of carriers that belongs to the royals, and it's the Illustrious class. Why would they be sending them over?" Avrora asks as she walks over with Chapayev, overhearing the commotion.

"The hell do I know?" I reply. "I hear that the three are very well known for their looks."

"Trying to swoon you into saying something about the sirens? That's a very low tactic." Chapayev says.

"I'd like to think so too." I reply. "Should I play along and act charmed?"

"I mean, it'll probably fool the tea swines, you could try." Gangut says. "Just make sure you have some sort of plan if that doesn't work."

"I have a plan for that." I reply. With everything set up we continue the rest of the day like normal, waiting for the day the trio of carriers arrives for their "vacation" as they would refer to it as. I'm about to head into my office and see if there are any documents left for me when I feel a hand on my shoulder and I get lightly spun around to face Avrora. She looks like she's had a little too much vodka to drink as I can clearly see her whole face is tinted pink. "Oh no... You didn't get yourself drunk did you?"

"Maybe... I may have drunk a bottle too many... Goodness me I lost track of how much I drank!" Avrora slurs.

"Alright, who was the one that let Avrora go through a whole six pack?" I ask, and Chapayev awkwardly scratches the back of her head. "Chapayev..."

"Sorry, I wasn't really keeping track either." Chapayev replies, but I don't say anything more as Avrora leans further into me, pressing her entire body against mine.

"Come on Avrora, let's get back on the couch." I say as I lead the drunken light cruiser to an empty couch and we both take a seat, with Avrora leaning her head on my shoulder and falling asleep right then and there. Eventually she puts her arms around me, and possibly due to her being drunk she then sits on my lap, resting her head on my chest and trapping me on the couch, much to Gangut's amusement.

"Oh no komandir." Rossi says, trying, and failing to stifle a laugh. Gangut on the other hand doesn't even bother trying as she's already fallen to the floor and is rolling around laughing her head off.

"Keep it down will you, you're going to wake up Avrora." I mumble.

"Sorry! I can't help it!" Gangut says as she gets up and walks off, still laughing as hard as she can.

"I'm sorry, and I'm kind of jealous of Avrora." Chapayev says. "Why won't you do that for me?"

"Because you're a more responsible drinker and you haven't drunk yourself silly like Avrora has." I chuckle. "...Maybe I shouldn't have said that." I mumble to myself as I see Chapayev with a sly grin.

"So I should get myself wasted and then you'll do this for me?" Chapayev giggles. "I'm just kidding, I know better than to do such a stupid thing."

"That's a relief." I chuckle as Avrora nuzzles into me like a puppy.

"Mmm~" Avrora mumbles as she pushes me, tipping me over, and she ends up lying on top of me on the couch looking ready to make out with me.

"Avrora... Please don't do this..." I mumble.

"Nnn~" Avrora mumbles as she nuzzles her head into my neck as if about to kiss me there and her arms wrap around my body like soft chains, not letting me move without moving her in the process. Rossi takes one look at what's going on and politely excuses herself so she's not around if something weird happens.

"At least Gangut isn't here to laugh at this." I chuckle lightly to myself, but then Tashkent looks out into the hallway and then looks at me.

"Don't look now but here she comes." Tashkent says as Gangut walks in.

"Don't mind me, I'm just going to grab myself a bottle... Of... Vodka... Thbpth!" Gangut trails off.

"Gangut don't you dare..." I say.

"AH HA HA HA!!!" Gangut suddenly guffaws, it's probably loud enough for the entire base to hear, and I groan, not wanting to push Avrora off of me.

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