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The Girls Group Chat

Brie: sasha never leaves for couple hours

Natayla: I know right

Liv: something is going on

Paige: and we need to find out

Sasha joined the group chat

Char: where have you been?

Aj: you were gone for 3 hours

Sasha: y'all just fuck off and leave me alone we ain't friends anymore

Bayley: why are you being like that

Sasha: cause can bayley so shut the fuck up

Lana: dont mess with my girl

Sasha: fuck you guys

Paige: you need to calm down

Sasha: I dont need to listen to you

Ronda: banks you better calm down or else

Sasha: whatever you guys are just waste of time

Aj: woah!

Becky: we've been there for you since day 1 and you say that to us

Alexa: hurtful

Liv: just cold

Sonya: sasha if that's how you feel then why are you our friend

Sasha: I never was

Char: sasha leave

Nikki: just go already if you gonna be like that

Sasha: ok I will

Ronda: fuck banks go already we dont need you!

Sasha lefted the group chat

Mandy: 💔💔💔

Everyone: 😔😢💔

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