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I stay to help Cordelia as long as Myrtle will let me. But that isn't long. Of course, Myrtle is furious that Cordelia named Michael as the next supreme. When she finally chases me off I head into the kitchen area and start preparing something for Cordelia, something to help bring her strength back as much as possible. I don't remember a lot of the teachings I had in my short time under Cordelia, but I do remember potions. Once I finish the small batch of what is basically tea, I head out into the hallway, not before nearly bumping into Misty Day.

"I'm so sorry," she smiles, "I was just thinkin' bout making something for Ms. Cordelia, somethin' that might get her to feelin' better."

"Already taken care of." I smile to her, "but I think it would be better received from you."

"What is it?"

"Uhh... Basically a poor knock off of Liptons." I laugh and Misty joins me, "unfortunately, they don't have a lot of herbs and things like that in here."

"Why not?"

"I'm not sure." I shrug, "Warlocks have never really been interested in potions."

"Perhaps we should branch out." I hear Chablis down the hall. "Rose, if you have a minute." I hand the cup to Misty and the two of us head to opposite ends of the hall. I smile at Chablis as I get to him, "I need to talk to you about Michael."

I shake my head, "what about him?"

"I'm not convinced that we know everything about Michael." Chablis shakes his head, "is there anything he's told you about his childhood or his life before he came to the coven?"

"No, he hasn't."

Chablis sighs, "I was afraid of that. Come, Cordelia and Myrtle have sent for someone special for our new arrival."

"So soon?"

"It doesn't take long to contact the White Witch."

"Stevie Nicks?"

"Come on." Chablis gestures as he starts away. Chablis and I head into the library and sit on the spiral staircase. But no one is there. I look over to Chablis, confused, "they are in the dining hall, after all she's been through, Misty needed some real food."

I nod, "of course."

It doesn't take long for Stevie and the other witches to come into the library. Once everyone is seated, Stevie begins to sway and sing, as Baldwin plays the piano.

"So I'm back, to the velvet
Oh, underground
Back to the floor
That I love
To a room
With some lace
And some paper flowers
Back to the gypsy
That I was."

Misty gets up and begins dancing with Stevie, while I slightly sway on the stairs. As I listen to the music, I close my eyes. But I feel a hand on my leg, causing me to open my eyes. When I do I see Michael smiling up to me, "would you care to dance?" I nod and smile, taking Michael's hand as he helps me down the few steps to the floor. Once I am there I smile up to him and he pulls me close, placing a hand on my back as I place one on his shoulder, before we begin to sway.

"She was just a wish
She was just a wish.
And a memory is all that is
Left for you now
You see you're gypsy
Coming on down
You see you're gypsy."

As Michael and I dance, slowly spinning and swaying in our little corner, I glance up and see Chablis has left. I look up to Michael, "go after him."

I head after Chablis and hear him in a room with Cordelia and Madison, "if eavesdropping paid money, I'd be richer than Amazon."

"What did you hear?" Cordelia questions.

"All the best parts. And if you are going to dig up dirt on one of my own, I'm going with you."

"I travel alone," Madison chuckles.

"M'kay. Maybe I just go to Michael, see what he thinks about all of this."

Madison chuckles again, "please, he won't do anything. He'd probably just get his little Witch to do it for him."

Cordelia cuts in on Madison, "why wouldn't you do that anyway?"

Chablis pauses, "maybe because I have my own concerns about him."

"Do you know something?"

"Maybe just a gut feeling. A bad one."

"Alright. You go together. But whatever you do, do not let Rose or Michael find out about this."

I hurry off to find Michael, when I find him, he is in a hallway, alone, "Rose," he turns to me and smiles, "what's wrong?" He places a hand on the side of my neck.

I shake my head, "Madison and Chablis are planning on digging up information about you." I sigh, "I don't know how or where they're going to do this, but they are."

"I do." Michael nods, "I know where they're going."

"What do we do?"

"Nothing." Michael smiles, "let them dig." I nod and sigh, "what? Jealous they'll get to see where I grew up? Learn more about me?"

"A little," I shake my head, "you're so closed off about your childhood and your life before this. I just wish you'd tell me more about you."

Michael nods, "I'll tell you what. I grew up in a haunted house. If I take you here and you can get the ghosts to talk to you, I will tell you about my past."

"But how will I get there before Madison and Chablis, get one of the spirits to talk to me and get out before they even knew I was there?"

"I'll take you."

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