Everythings a Test

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Once Gallant leaves, I look around. "What is it?" Michael runs a hand down my forearm.

"Someone around here is doing something Ms. Venable wouldn't approve of."

"What do you mean?"

I chuckle, "I mean, someone has sparked up a relationship, when the headmistress has forbidden it."

"How do you know?"

"Are you kidding me?" I look over to Michael, "This place reeks of sexual frustration, but two people in this place are rather happy at the moment."


I shake my head, "I'm not sure, I'm not close enough to tell."

"Why don't you find out who, while I pay our little friend a visit?" Michael smiles over to me, as I play pout, knowing what that means, "now, now, my pet. Remember it is to break his sanity. Nothing more."

I walk around the school looking for the two less depressed souls, but they disappear as quickly as they appeared. But I do see Gallant's Grandmother Evie quickly walking through the halls, as if she is about to burst with information. I follow her and listen against the door as she disappears into a room. "I am so sorry, I... I ever thought I would have to do this, but I am truly at a loss."

"You got something to say?" Mead asks.

"Well, I know that blood is thicker than water, but... oh, the things I have just seen." Evie sighs loudly, "I'm terribly conflicted."

I shake my head, tired of this old bird's attempt to act as though she doesn't wish to sell out her grandson to secure a place in The Sanctuary. I open the door and step in, "Because it could destroy someone else's chance of going to The Sanctuary. Please, Evie, stop pretending to care and tell her what you saw."

Evie looks over to me, "maybe if you would act and dress more ladylike, your male companion wouldn't be in there screwing my grandson, right now."

I cross my arms and chuckle, "You say that as if I don't know what Michael enjoys. I know he's with your grandson, he told me where he was going."

Evie sighs, "I suppose I can console myself with the fact that his absence will leave an empty place for someone more deserving."

"That a girl, Evie." I smile over to her.

Mead scoffs as she stands, "What did your grandson do?"

Evie looks between the two of us a bit confused, "shouldn't the question be what did my grandson and her companion do?"

Mead shakes her head, "Mr. Langdon and Ms. Sinclair are here on behalf of The Cooperative and therefore are not held to the same standards and responsibilities as those who live here permanently. Now what did he do?"

Evie takes a deep breath, "I catch my grandson being intimate with Mr. Langdon."

I chuckle and turn to leave the room, "ta ta, ladies. I must be on my way." I head out of the room and back to the room Michael and I share.

When I get closer to the room, I notice the door is open slightly, but before I can enter Michael comes up to me, "I think we should talk to Venable again."

I nod and smile up to him, "so do I."

Michael and I head down to Venable's office and quietly enter, seeing Venable fixing the pillows on one of the chairs, "You have a gift for making the ugly look presentable." Michael leans against the stairs we had to descend in order to get into the office, while I sit, I'm not sure how she didn't hear us.

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