High School Au, part 1

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This was supposed to be it's own book but ya boy lost motivation. No major triggers but if you have trouble with ass-slaps and being too close to another person in a bathroom stall, be warned. Also the use of Confederate and Union generals. (+ basic Civil War stuff)

First day of senior year. One more year and we're out of here.

William T. Sherman, a cis gay guy of an average height with auburn hair and pale skin started the march to school. His high school starts at the asscrack of dawn (AKA 7am) and he couldn't wait to get out of there and live. He arrived at the usual time and re-oriented himself with the building.

Sherman was at his locker, about to leave for first period, when he heard high yipping and yelling from down the hall.
"Great, it's the Confederates." He muttered to himself hasting to grab his things and slam his locker shut. Just as he closes it, they find him.

"Heyy TeCUMseh" one of them purred holding Sherman's arms against the metal wall. Suddenly another, smaller, hand reached out and wrapped around the rebel's chest, pulling him back.
"Leave it." A slightly gruff voice growled.
The rebels pulled away and whistled at the smaller man before circling back around their leader, Robert Lee, and yipping back down the hallway. Sherman wasn't able to see his savior, but swore to properly meet him regardless.

Ulysses S. Grant. (Shortest of his friends dubbed "The Union", with natural black hair cut short and dyed with pink at the ends. He originally dyed it as a dare, but liked it too much to get rid of it.) Arrived at school and started his day as usual. Walk down halls, avoid Confederates, get to first period, save some kid from the Confederacy.... Save some kid from the Confederacy??

Tall, kinda scrawny and pinned. Ulysses couldn't just abandon him like that. He walked over and side armed the one closest to the kid away from him, ignoring the whistles and yips as they retreated. Grant turned to look back after a few paces, pleased to not see the kid following him.

Then he saw his face. Sherman immediately looked away and hurried to class, 10 minutes early. "He helped me, and is cute?!" This will be a fun semester he thought.

Grant caught a look at the kids face and filed it to memory as usual. Unusually, he couldn't stop thinking about them. Lunch. I'll talk to them during lunch. He decided, pulling into class a few minutes before the warning bell.

Then it was lunch/recess. Fuck.

The Confederates were yipping as usual. "Do these damn idiots ever shut up?" Grant sat down without grabbing anything to eat. Searching the room for the tallass he saved. "Hey kid!"Grant moved over to Sherman. Sherman wasn't paying attention looking down at his phone. "Kiddd..!"Grant repeated waiting for answer. Sherman still didn't answer.

Frustrated Grant swung his hand in a circle behind himself before smacking Sherman straight on the ass without warning.

"Motherfucker!" Sherman began to say every swear word known to man, woman, nonbinary and others

"Sorry about that, name's Ulysses Grant."
"Ugh.. fuck man" Sherman groaned looking up to finish the handshake. As Grant swung to take his hand, he hits a monster energy that Sherman had been surviving on all day. A quarter still full.

"Fuck!" They both yelled

At this point the Confederacy looked over and whistled. Robert Lee slammed his head into the table and stayed there for a few minutes after.

"God! Ahh sorry." Grant said again, just now realizing he had spilled some of the Monster on Sherman.

"i-its fine." Sherman stuttered out, feeling a blush rise. "I'm just going to go dry this out in the bathroom.."

"I'll go with you!" Grant blurted out. "It's the least I could do, provide some protection.. all things considered."

"Uh okay! Okay. That's fine....yeah..." Sherman got up, threw away his plate and left the cafeteria with Grant close behind.

They arrived and went in. Making jokes while Sherman held his lower body under a hot-air-hand-dryer. After a while the heat started to get to him though and he had to look away for longer periods of time. Grant took notice but was able to figure it out, leaning against the wall next to him. Their conversation had just reached a lull when loud talking was heard down the hallway.

"Fukin Confederates." Grant grumbled quickly grabbing Sherman's arm and pulling him into the nearest stall, locking the door and hopping onto the toilet seat just as two rebels walked in.

Sherman started trying to say something but Grant moved his hand over his mouth before he could with a dangerous glint in his eye. Sherman froze up and could feel the blush hit his body like a truck. 'It was only the first day, what the fuck.' He thought to himself, closing his eyes and swallowing nervously. He peeked open his eyes. Grant had removed his hand and was slowly tracing Sherman's body with his eyes, slightly biting his lip.

And then it was over. The Confederates left, and Sherman was ushered/pushed out of the stall, Grant following after a second or two.

The bell rings and they go their separate directions. 5th period flies by and they go to 6th period. French, with Mr. Lafayette. An afro-american man with tightly curled hair pulled back into a bun and a heavy French accent. He has a really short, almost stubble, beard along his jaw and upper lip. Grant is already sitting in the back of the room behind Robert Lee when Sherman arrives. He is told to sit next to Grant awkwardly waving and sitting down as the bell rings. Grant looks at him coming in, visibly inhales and waves back, sitting up slightly straighter.

French was the easiest subject for everyone. All Mr. Lafayette does is sit at his desk with his feet up looking at his phone. He does give them packets of work, which aren't required to turn in anyway. He allows music, talking, and chilling in general (aha). Sherman doodles on the packet drawing mangled Railroad, fire, broken glasses and cups. Grant watched, curious about each one, and mostly worried about his friend's mental health. Lee was tapping out different beats with his pencil for most of the class before giving up and scrolling on his phone.

"Le fucke!" Mr. Lafayette, for the fourth time this week, falls out of his chair. Almost everyday he ends up yelling out a poorly masked swear, but who's counting.

"Le fucke?" What does that even mean. Grant rested his head on his palm looking to the front of the class.

"Probably a french word for oh no?" Sherman finished up a sketch then looked up. "Hell if I know anyways, he never actually teaches us anything." He finished, sitting back up. The bell rings before long and everyone leaves the classroom in a mid-day haze.

"See you Monday!" Sherman smiles. Grant nods back and stalks towards his locker and the exit.

Ulysses Grant/ William Sherman One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now